31745 records found
Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic.
Small fragment in Hebrew script. Accounts?
List of names, including al-Ḥakīm Hārūn, Ṣadaqa Ibn [...], ʿAfīf (or ʿUfayf) Ibn [...]. Probably late.
Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic.
Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. Narrow strip torn from the middle.
Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. Addressed to Abū l-Ḥusayn b. Hārūn (?).
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew (with two words in Arabic script after the basmala). The content is somewhat difficult to understand, but the tone seems hostile, and the writer may be rebuking the addressee for some lapse.
Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic.
Recto: Letter fragment in Arabic script. Verso: Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. Regards are sent to Abū l-ʿAlā and Abū Isḥāq.
List of books of the bible.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Reporting on a legal dispute in a provincial town involving the redemption (fakāk) of something and a qumāsh and some cotton. Protagonists include Yiṣḥaq Nafūsī, the judge ("who was completely worn out"), Abū l-Najm, Abū l-ʿIzz, and Abū Manṣūr b. [...]. In the margin, the judge is forbidding somebody from slaughtering, and al-Mufaḍḍal al-Kohen, the town slaughterer says something.
Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions a sheṭar matana and witnesses.
Informal note addressed to Abū l-Afrāḥ requesting that he urgently send the writer 5 dinars with the bearer. Also mentions sending it with the jāriya (female slave?). Verso: "We will pay you by Sunday at the latest"; the handwriting is different than that of recto, and it is unclear if this is a postscript (promising repayment) or the response to the request on recto.
Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic.
Letter of appeal from Yefet, a foreigner, to R. Shela. In calligraphic Hebrew.
Letter fragment in Hebrew.
Legal fragment. In Judaeo-Arabic. Possibly a draft. Recto contains the upper portion of a legal testimony, possibly a record of a purchase, in the name of Hibat Allāh b. Abū l-Riḍā. Verso contains another portion of a legal testimony.
Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic, with the address in Arabic script. Essentially unreadable without special imaging.
Legal fragment. In Hebrew. Contains the phrases ״שקולים ברצון״ and ״אלא בלב שלם ובדעת״. Compare T-S 16.142.