31745 records found
Awaiting description. (This folder is mostly or entirely 18th-century and 19th-century accounts.)
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew alphanumerical figures. At least one currency is listed as "בנדוק / bunduq", which is the Venetian gold ducat, and based on the paleography this fragment may date to the 16th-17th centuries or later. MCD.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic listing a variety of individuals and corresponding monetary sums in silver kuruş which helps to estimate the dating of the document as 18th/19th-century (the Ottoman silver kuruş was not in wide circulation until the early 1700sCE). At the beginning of each entry before the name appears "טרפ / taraf" is written, which is in Ottoman Turkish is literally a "side" or "place". In this context, however, it means "for Avraham Ḥazaq's [part]". This usage is common more generally in early modern Ottoman financial recordkeeping. The lists on the recto portray account calculations that are organized by days of the week in connection to specific individuals, namely: Avraham Ḥazaq, Yehuda al-Giorbi[?], Avraham Bashiri, Eliyyahu Ḥabak[?], Mikhael Naʿim, and on the verso many more names are mentioned. Date: 18th or 19th c. MCD.
Lists in Judaeo-Arabic and pen trials of the Arabic alphabet that can be dated on the recto to the night of Simchat Torah of [5]586JC which is October 4 1825CE. On the recto, the community of the "מיצירין / Egyptians" is listed and throughout there are monetary values listed in silver kuruş (indicated by a "ق" symbol on many occasions). The bifolium's inner crease contains two holes that suggest it was once bound as part of a broader ledger or notebook. MCD.
Accounts in Arabic on a large fragment that may originate from a broader financial ledger that is dated on the lower right corner of the recto as 8 Shawwal 1238AH which is June 1823CE. Many of the monetary figures are in silver kuruş which is indicated throughout by a "ق" symbol. MCD.
Awaiting description. (This folder is mostly or entirely 18th-century and 19th-century accounts.)
Awaiting description. (This folder is mostly or entirely 18th-century and 19th-century accounts.)
Awaiting description. (This folder is mostly or entirely 18th-century and 19th-century accounts.)
Awaiting description. (This folder is mostly or entirely 18th-century and 19th-century accounts.)
Awaiting description. (This folder is mostly or entirely 18th-century and 19th-century accounts.)
Awaiting description. (This folder is mostly or entirely 18th-century and 19th-century accounts.)
Awaiting description. (This folder is mostly or entirely 18th-century and 19th-century accounts.)
List of "מצרופ/expenses" related to food/household items that is dated in Cheshvan [55]97JC which is 1836CE. The fragment may have been folded and sent from Cairo to one Binyamin de Curiel in Alexandria. The hands on the recto and verso, however, are very distinct and therefore the address on the verso may be a remnant of an earlier letter that was reused for the recto's list. The latter expresses monetary figures in eastern Arabic numerals and Ottoman silver "قرش / kuruş" which stands as the only Arabic-script portion of the fragment at the top of the recto's right column. Among the items listed, there is mention of "מלח / salt" (l. 9r), "צאבון / soap" (l.11r), and many other goods. MCD.
Awaiting description. (This folder is mostly or entirely 18th-century and 19th-century accounts.)
Awaiting description. (This folder is mostly or entirely 18th-century and 19th-century accounts.)
Awaiting description. (This folder is mostly or entirely 18th-century and 19th-century accounts.)
Awaiting description. (This folder is mostly or entirely 18th-century and 19th-century accounts.)
Account ledger. 34 bifolia. Dating: 18th or 19th c.
Account ledger. 46 bifolia. Dating: 18th or 19th c.
Lists in Judaeo-Arabic of "מצרופ/expenses" on food items organized according to weeks of the liturgical calendar that are indicated by their respective parsha readings (i.e. "Eikev/עקב" on recto and "Pinechas/פינחס" on verso). The purpose of this list may have been communal and based on the paleography and method of timekeeping, the fragment likely dates to the 18th or 19th centuries. The food items and related goods in the lists include: "לחם/meat" (recto and verso), "משמש/apricots" (l. 7r), "פחם/charcoal" (l. 16r), and other itemized goods that correspond with monetary figures in "פצה/silver" (which is a label for the right column in each list). On the verso the first name Efraim is mentioned at the end of each list in the phrase "ואצל דאלך מן ס׳ אפראים/ this is being paid by S[eñor] Efraim". MCD.