31745 records found
Fragment of a late legal document in Hebrew signed by Moshe Abū Shaʿra.
Hebrew piyyut.
Accounts of a druggist, giving amounts of materia medica in the column on the right and prices on the left.
One side: Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Verso: Very faded document in Judaeo-Arabic, perhaps a letter.
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Tiny fragment, probably accounts in Judaeo-Arabic.
Small fragment in Judaeo-Arabic, probably a letter.
Small fragment with calendrical calculations.
Recto: Document in Arabic script, probably a letter. Verso: Hebrew poetry.
Tiny fragment containing only the portion of a date in Judaeo-Arabic (Safar [.]24).
Two columns of fragmentary Hebrew. Poetry? Proverbs? Needs further examination.
Tiny fragment of a Judaeo-Arabic letter. The writer's name may appear on verso: "min [Man?]ṣūr b. [...]"
Small fragments, very faded, of a Judaeo-Arabic letter.
Tiny fragment in Hebrew script.
Judaeo-Arabic halakhic work on legal procedure, for instance what do you do when a witness says he doesn't remember witnessing a document.
Tiny fragment in Hebrew script.
Small fragment of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Only a few phrases are preserved: אלסלאמה בעד משקה... פעל מעי אלדי הו בזכותי... כנת יאכי ואנא פי.... AA. ASE.