31745 records found
Legal document from Fustat dated January 1802 CE (Shevat 5562), in which Nissim Romano acknowledges that he has received 180 silver muayyadis from the orphans of Shelomo b. Ṣahal, which it seems he will repay within 15 days.
Late account in Judaeo-Arabic.
Rabbinic literary work.
Accounts in Ladino.
Fragment of a bifolium from a ledger, it seems containing copies of late, Judaeo-Arabic letters. Or perhaps a formulary?
Fragment of a late legal document, signed Yaʿaqov ha-Kohen, probably an engagement (shiddukhin) document for [...] b. Ḥayyim and [...] bt. Moshe.
Recto: Engagement (shiddukhin) document, dated 7 November 1791 (10 Heshvan 5552), Fustat, for the cantor Khalīfa Khufayf (?) b. Aharon and Simḥa bt. Yaʿaqov b. Barukh. Verso: Legal document involving real estate, dated March 1792 (Adar 5552), Fustat.
Rent receipt, late, for Av[raham?] Gatenio.
Late legal document recording a settlement, perhaps between business partners. Sums listed are in perahim.
Legal document. Damaged and late legal document. Late legal document, a שטר סילוק (bill of release of a debt) per FGP, involving Avraham Ḥalabī and his (ex?)-wife Esther. Mentioning שעבוד כתובה Hebrew. AA
Fragment of an illuminated frame, probably for a ketubba that was never filled in.
Alms list in Judaeo-Arabic. Mainly women, children, and/or sick people. JRL SERIES A 293 mentions the sister of Abū l-Faraj b. al-Munajjim; al-ʿAkkāwiyya; the ḥazzab Ibn Sabrī/Sabra; the neighbor of Abū l-Faraj [al-]Dimyāṭī; the wife of the ḥazzan of Shubrā; and many more. JRL SERIES B 2497 mentions Umm al-Ṣibyān the acquaintance of [...]; Abū Hilāl al-Bānyāsī the acquaintance of Azhar; the old, sick woman [in] the house of Ibn [...]; the orphans of Faraḥ.
This letter concerns a transaction in wheat (possibly one irdabb) and involving among others a haver ('member of the yeshiva'). If al-shaykh Yeshu'a (lines 3-4) is the same person as al-melammed ('the teacher', line 1), he may be identified as one of two persons attested in Geniza documents by the name Yeshu'a ha-melammed b. Avraham, who lived in the middle of the 12th and the early 13th centuries respectively; see Goitein, Med.Soc., vol. 2, p. 544 note 8. The verso contains fragmentary with (mostly illegible) writing in Arabic.
Late legal document in which Yosef acknowledges an investment from [...] Kohen of 20,000 silver muayyadis.
Legal document dated July 1788 (Tamuz 5548), Fustat, in which the undersigned acknowledges receipt of 80 reales, perhaps from Yiṣḥaq Aripol.
A first-person note in late Hebrew by Sulaymān A[...], perhaps mentioning the sages of Safed.
Business letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Moshe (b.?) Avraham Bibas to Yaʿaqov Bibas and his partner Shomal (Shemuel?) Azulay, dated 3 September 1818 (2 Elul 5578). There are accounts underneath.
A dense list of names along with numbers, perhaps pledges to charity.
A calligraphic get (bill of divorce) dated 5 March 1879 (10 Adar 5639), במתא במבי דעל כיף ימא, which may be Bombay (!). See #5 here for a ketubba from Bombay (or at least במבי) from the same period: http://notrikon.blogspot.com/2019/12/blog-post.html. The spouses divorcing are Sulaymān Ḥayyim b. [Eliyya?]hu Ḥayyim and Esther bt. Yosef. It is signed by Yiṣḥaq b. Raḥamim and Yehuda b. Avraham.
Recto: A Hebrew poem, perhaps in praise of a recipient of a letter. Verso: Remnants of a few words in Arabic, along with two lines giving a sum of money in Judaeo-Arabic.