31745 records found
Recto: Mentions a hypothetical cantor or reader of the Torah who went mad and stole something and was caught. Verso: From a halakhic discussion on the first blessing of the Amidah. See Shmuel Glick's edition on FGP.
A short note: "Ibrahim al-Mahribi ordered (?) my brother to take 2 dirhams and a half and an eighth from Ibn al-Dayyan Menashshe the brother-in-law of Faḍā'il al-Ghuzūlī (?)."
Interesting late legal declaration signed by Nissim b. al-Ankari stating that in the assembly of the heads of the community, the slaughterer Yeruḥam swore not to encroach on the domain of the slaughterer Shabbetay, and in turn Shabbetay would give 3 parts of every 10 (of what?). If either of the slaughterers asks the other to substitute for him, the substitute is not to encroach or touch the share of the other. Information from Avraham David's transcription on FGP
Fragment of a legal document in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Includes the phrases "her husband," "from the house," and "the scribes of the gentiles."
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic, medieval, mentioning people such as Abū Sahl, Saʿd al-Ṣabbāgh, Ibn Zighmār (=Ṣighmār).
Probably a letter in Judaeo-Arabic, very messy handwriting, some Arabic script is present as well.
Extremely faded Hebrew text.
Possibly a fragment of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Perhaps relevant to communal politics if read closely. "As for what he said . . . al-wulā wa-l-fuqahā wa-l-shuhūd, this is the opposite of what he said in public--that he would be appointed (?) over them and serve them in the interests of the situation of the Jews bi-jāhihi wa-ṣanʿatihi."
Possibly a page from a halakhic work on legal procedure. Needs further examination.
Legal document involving a dispute between Abu Saʿd Kohen, Abū l-Makārim, payments in installments, and the sale of cheese. One of the parties resorted to the Muslim courts ("al-goyim"). The sum at stake is a matter of 12 dinars. Join: Oded Zinger.
Small fragment mentioning Yehuda, Eliyyahu, and Ovadya.
Fragment of a legal document. Yehuda takes an oath.
Recto and first line of verso: Hebrew letter to Gabriel Conforte. The author of the letter mentions a number of books he has received, among which the responsa of David ben Solomon ibn Abi Zimra (fl. 1513-1573). Remainder of verso: Ladino letter, perhaps the response to the Hebrew letter. Information from FGP.
Late, probably accounts.
Sums in mysterious symbols.
Fragment of a Judaeo-Arabic letter, mentioning al-jamāʿa al-muqaddasa.
Fragment of a Judaeo-Arabic letter.
Fragment of a Judaeo-Arabic legal document, mentioning an Abū l-Maʿālī.
A love spell/amulet for {Ḥayyim the son of ʿAzīza} and {Senyora the daughter of {Ashkenaz and {Sara the daughter of {Senyora and {Ḥayyim the son of Esther and {Avraham the son of Ḥava and {Yāqūtī the son of Ḥava}}}}}}. The genealogy seems highly ambiguous, and even the names of the would-be lovebirds, since the brackets could be placed practically anywhere. ASE.
Account in Judaeo-Arabic. Among the items sold: a gold seal or ring (khātim dhahab).