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Literary text in Arabic script. It is entitled as "the names of the earthly kings" (asmāʾ al-mulūk al-arḍiyya). The page is torn and mutilated, and parts of the text are illegible. (Information from JRL catalogue.)
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Order. In Arabic script. Abū l-Munā is to give the boy some medicinal syrups (sharāb), including one ounce of rose syrup.
Legal or official document. In Arabic script. Dated: Shaʿbān 1240 AH, which is 1825 CE. (But note that the year 1241 appears at the bottom and the year 1242 on verso.) Appears to be a receipt for a sum collected 'from all of the households... from the heads of the (Jewish) sects in al-Maḥrūsa (Fustat/Cairo).' The name Yosef Gershon (يوصف قرشون/יוסף גירשון) appears, and he may be identified as the head of the Jewish sect (shaykh ṭāʾifat al-yahūd). There is a stamped seal at the bottom that may be legible. (Information in part from JRL catalogue.)
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Medical recipes or prescriptions, probably. In Arabic script. Needs examination.
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