31745 records found
Minute fragment, contains mostly rhymed sentences, might be from a letter or a poem to honor a certain Halfon, but too little text remained. AA Dating: 12th century
Minute fragment, written by Halfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi. Mentions 90 silver dirhams. Too little remains. AA
A very damaged fragment. The upper text block is the end of a legal query probably written by Shelomo b. Eliyyahu (active in the first third of the 13th century). Too little text remains to decipher, but it seems to be dealing with a house, an in-law, and daughters. Below the query another text in a different hand, possibly the responsum, as commonly found in such documents, but the text is too damaged to read and from the few readable words it seems to be dealing with an issue regarding the government. Instead, it is probably a second legal query: הדא טלב אן... ללס{ל?}טאן... אלסאכן... ראובן... תורינו... [שכרו] כפול מן השמים. AA. ASE.
Hebrew and Aramaic poetry.
Small fragment from a late list, might belong to a dowry (the word מהר can be read)
Legal document or letter. In Judaeo-Arabic. Minute fragment. Some partial names have survived: al-Jubaylī, the in-law of Yaʿqūb b. [...]. AA
Unidentified. Recommend suppress
Probably the opening of a late letter in Hebrew to a sage ("ha-pilosof [...] Ibn [...]")—the name may be readable.
Small fragment of accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions spices such as cinnamon, pepper, and mahlab. AA. ASE.
Minute fragment. From the bottom part of a late letter or legal document. Only part of a fancy signature survived title סופר ועד. AA
Minute fragment. From the bottom part of a late legal document. Signed by Yaaqiv […] and Avraham Sarfati. AA
Small fragment from the top of a late letter to Yosef Ya'betz יוסף יעבץ dated 17 of Nissan (no year preserved). Judeo Arabic and Hebrew. AA
Small fragment from a letter addressed to a dignitary (תפ]ארת השרים [...]ת הנשיאות]). Seems to be in the hand of Mevorakh b. Natan. Only a few words (conveying greetings) have survived. Mentions "their mother (sitthumā)" and Saʿd al-Mulk. AA. ASE.
Fragment with overlapping Hebrew and Arabic writing at right angles, hard to make out any words.
Very faded. Seems literary.
From a literary rabbinic work. A haggada?
Informal note addressed to 'the father.' In Judaeo-Arabic. Asking him to send with the bearer the 100 dirhams that are with Maymūn for the construction expenses on the wind catcher (bādhanj). Dating: Probably early 13th century. Might be in the hand of Shelomo b. Eliyyahu. AA. ASE.
Recto: Fragment of a prayer in Hebrew. Verso: Jottings in Hebrew and Arabic script including the word "al-yahūdī."
Minute fragment from a list. Only partial names survived. AA