31745 records found
Probably accounts in Arabic, using western Arabic numerals. Very disorganized. There is also a nice doodle.
Four pages from a personal notebook in which the writer has recorded various ḥiddushim and whom he heard them from.
Account in Judaeo-Arabic.
Very faded document in Hebrew, likely a letter.
Large list, probably 18th or 19th c, of names and numbers arranged according to holidays and shabbatot, perhaps charitable donations pledged/received.
Letter from Ezra Shelomo Bekhor(?). Sent to Fustat/Cairo. In Hebrew. Dated: Rahamim of 5572 AM, which is 1812 CE.
Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. In the hand of Yefet b. Menashshe. Mentions a dukkān and [Abū] l-Surūr.
20 small fragments. Image 4 and Image 14 and Image 17 are fragments of legal documents in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Images 5 and 15 are from a printed work on the laws of Shabbat in Ladino. Images 6 and 16 are a Judaeo-Arabic letter (right side of recto, left side of verso) regarding business in foods/drugs (pepper, wormwood) and mentinoing Abū l-Surūr, from Yefet b. Menashshe to his brother (Abū Saʿīd?). Image 7 lists the names of various Nasis, Hizqiyah ha-Nasi and Shelomo ha-Nasi ben David ha-Nasi Rosh ha-Golah. Image 9 is another literary printed fragment in Ladino. Image 13 + Image 19 is a list of materia medica on one side, mentioning Abū Saʿd on the other, and preserving the remnants of an Arabic document.
Legal or letter fragment in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe.
Small fragment in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Mentions Shelomo.
Letter/petition appealing for charity or other assistance. Fragment (upper left corner). In Judaeo-Arabic. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Written on behalf of al-Maghribī al-Shaʿʿāb and addressed to two judges. None of the substance of the request is preserved.
Accounts of a druggist. In Judaeo-Arabic.
Business letter from Abū l-Khayr(?) Yeshuʿa b. [...] to Abū Ibrāhīm ʿAyyāsh b. Ṣadaqa. Dating: 11th century. Very well preserved; needs further examination.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic on the back of a business letter. 11th century
Document in Arabic script. The word 'mablagh' appears a few times. Needs examination
Business letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Addressed to Abū Zikrī b. Yosef ha-Kohen the descendant of Yehosef ha-Kohen Bet Din. Mentions a suftaja; 30 dinars; possibly gems (jawāhir); how the addressee shouldn't blame the sender for blaming him; something arriving from Almeria; lac selling there for 20 [...]; a leader or captain (qāʾid); the ship of Ibn Ghattūsh returning to Alexandria. The back was reused for some additional jottings including the name Sulaymān/Shelomo Kohen.
Letter fragment in Hebrew. Late. The names Avraham and Nissim appear.
Writing exercises in German, in a lovely Gothic script. "Ein Murrkopf ist ein Mensch dem es ärgert dass spree nicht bei Wien und die Donau nicht bei Berlin vorbei lauft." (A grumbler is a person who is annoyed that the Spree does not run past Vienna and the Danube does not run past Berlin.) There is also some Hebrew including נפוצות יהודה.
Text in Yiddish(?). Needs examination.
Correspondence of Moshe Gaster. There is a set of learned queries from Israel Isbitsky, 23 Lucas St, Commercial Rd, dated 1908 CE. There is a letter of appeal for charity from Meir b. Shelomo ("you have not answered me by letter or by telephone"). And there is sheet with the Amharic alphabet, and on verso, 'Son of Theodosius: Gebro(?) christas mother merkeza." MCD. ASE.