31745 records found
Accounts in Arabic script. Dated: 1247 AH, which is 1831/32 CE. Needs further examination.
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Letter addressed to Shimʿon and [...], in Ḥārat al-Yahūd, in Cairo. In Arabic script. Dating: Probably 18th or 19th century. Needs examination for content.
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Recto: Accounts of a moneylender(?). In Arabic script. Dated: Thursday, 19 Dhū l-Ḥijja 125[.] AH. In the right column, ʿĀʾisha bt. Muḥammad of Ṭūkh al-Maliq(?) (the town between Qalyūb and Banhā?) who lives in Būlāq (a district in Cairo) borrows a sum of 500(?) (piasters?) against a golden nose-ring and a silver anklet as collateral/pawn. In the left column, there is an entry mentioning Ibrāhīm Shaʿban and ʿAlī al-Jazzār and a pair of golden bracelets as collateral. Below, an entry involving Ṣāliḥ Ḥanāba(?). Verso: Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and eastern Arabic numerals. The date is written at the top of the page: Monday [...], [12]54 AH, which is 1839 CE. There is some ambiguity in the dates on both recto and verso; needs further examination. (Information mainly from JRL catalogue.)
Legal document. Location: Tehran ('on the river Zu l-Qarnayn'). Dated: Tuesday, 16 Av 5673 AM, which is 1913 CE. Concerning the sending of a bill of divorce from Mashiaḥ/Masīḥ b. Shelomo to his wife Sulṭāna bt. Eliyya Shākī. It seems that the agent appointed to deliver the get, Yeḥezqel b. Yehuda, is appointing Nūrallāh b. Moshe to be his agent. There are witnesses listed in the document as well as witnesses underneath, and a seal in purple ink with both Hebrew and Arabic script.
The bill of divorce that is the subject of JRL Gaster heb. ms 1636/12a.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Extensive and well-preserved. Likely pertaining to rents for the qodesh. Dated: '430, probably 1430 Seleucid, which is 1118/19 CE. Needs examination and transcription.
Prayer for Moses Montefiore, composed by Shabbetay Elḥanan טריויש in 1840/41 CE. Printed in Trieste in 1845/46 CE. There are many additional names in the document.
Legal fragment. Ending only. Signed: Yosef b. Shelomo. Late. There are pen trials and some Latin script below.
Letter of recommendation. In Hebrew. Location: Tunis. Dated: 5610 AM, which is 1849/50 CE. On behalf of Yiṣḥaq Yosef b. Shemarya. The Portuguese Congregation of Tunis added an endorsement, and there are two more endorsements underneath.
Letter of recommendation. In Hebrew. Location: Salonika. Dated: Adar 5609 AM, which is 1849 CE. On behalf of Yiṣḥaq Yosef b. Shemarya of Palestine. The writers attest that he bears letters from the sages of Spain and Italy and German and add their own.