31745 records found
Jottings in Arabic script and mysterious symbols (geomancy?).
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Mentions the word 'maṭbakh' several times. On verso the title "al-Malik al-Ṣāliḥ" (in Arabic script, possibly a reference to Ṭalāʾiʿ b. Ruzzīk) and "Aḥashverosh" (in Hebrew).
Legal document of some kind. In Arabic script. Involving Ibrāhīm ʿAdda and Abū l-Ḥasan b. ʿAṭiyya. Needs examination.
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Tax receipt, Fatimid. For someone's payment in New Cairo. Needs examination.
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Deed of lease. In Arabic script. Apparently nearly complete, with only the first few lines missing. Dated: Wednesday, [..] Rajab 1163 AH, which is approximately June 1750 CE. Aṣlān b. Yūsuf al-Yaḥūdī known as al-Dūka(?) rents a 'sitting hall' (al-qāʿa al-muʿallaqa) which is on the road of the seven halls (Darb al-Sabʿ Qāʿāt). The lessor is al-Ḥājj Ibrāhīm the son of the late Muḥammad al-Janzūrī, who is the wakīl (agent/representative) of al-Ḥājj Shihāb al-Dimāṭī (or al-Dimyāṭī?). The period of the lease is 3 months. The signatures of the witnesses are written at 90 degrees in the right margin. On verso there is a filing note in Arabic script, summarizing the contents. (Information in part from JRL catalogue.)
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Recipe or prescription. In Arabic script. Mentions the names of several foods. Needs examination.
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Order of payment. In Arabic script. Bilāl al-[...] instructs Abū ʿAlī to pay the bearer 113(?) dirhams.
Order of payment in Arabic script with a Hebrew emet.