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Letter in Ottoman Turkish to the sultan that references at least three imperial officials and the transfer a thousand qantars of gunpowder "bārūt" (l. 5) from Rashid to Alexandria. Given the presence of Ottoman garrisons in each port, this detail helps date the document as post-1517CE. In the opening lines beneath the phrase "Sulṭānım / my Sultan" there is reference to the Sultan's order/decree "buyuruldu" (l. 4r) in connection with the appointment of the Dīvān Kâtibī Meḥmed Efendi. The appointee's reputation is confirmed as that of "a good man / iyi bir adām" (l. 4r). In the lower left corner, the letter sender has signed and while much of his signature remains unclear, he held the title "اغا". The other imperial officials who are mentioned appear in the right margin: Ibrahīm Çelebi (l. 5r) and in the upper margin: Defterdâr Ḥālazâde Kenān Efendi (l. 1-2r). MCD with information provided kindly by Dr. Ozgen Felek.
Legal document. In Arabic script. Large. Elegantly written, with moderately wide spaces between the lines. The lines initially descend and then sharply ascend at the end of each line. It is unclear how much is missing from the top and bottom margins. Perhaps this is a waqfīyya? It may be Mamluk-era, but that is a guess. There is text on both sides, a stamped seal in the margin on one side, and on the other side three additional lines in the margin at 90 degrees to the main text. Much of the content of the document consists of describing the features and locations of various properties. (Information in part from JRL Catalogue.) Needs further examination.
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Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. The hand may be known. Dating: 11th or 12th century.
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Prayer, probably. In Arabic script.
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