31745 records found
Business letter. Addressed to Shimʿon Frances and Merkado Karo (شمعون فرانسيس والمعلم مركادة كارو) in Fustat/Cairo (Miṣr). In Arabic script. Dated: Shaʿbān 1223 AH, which is 1808 CE. The logo of the sender's company is derived from ع ك — it appears in the address and also in line 4 on recto. Mentions Damietta and two traders named Mūsā Naqūla(?) and Jirjis Karma(?). Needs further examination for content.
Document in Arabic script. Late. Needs examination.
Awaiting description
Awaiting description
Order/note in Arabic script addressed to al-Shaykh al-Rashīd, who is to pay 30 dirhams to Abū l-Faḍl for the plaster on the 17th of Dhū l-Ḥijja.
Commercial letter. In Arabic script. Dated: 123[6?] (which would be 1820 CE). The letter is torn at the top and the right margins. Alexandria and Rashīd are mentioned. There may have been some misunderstanding between the two parties regarding the merchandise (there are at least two references to irreligion—qillat dīn). (Information from JRL catalogue.)
Awaiting description
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Mentions the name ʿUthmān (among others).
Accounts(?) in Arabic script. Late.
Document in Arabic script. Needs examination.
Awaiting description
Document in Arabic script. Needs examination.
Literary. Astronomical or calendrical work in an unusual mixture of Arabic (in Arabic script) and Hebrew.
Document in Arabic script. Needs examination.
Awaiting description
Accounts(?) in Arabic script.
Letter in Arabic script. Fragmentary. Includes the phrase "al-dukhūl ilā awsāṭ al-bilād" ("entering into the heart of the country"), then refers to Byzantium (bilād al-Rūm).
Document in Arabic script. There is a grid with names and numbers in each box. Needs examination.
Letter addressed to Abū Manṣūr M[...] b. Saʿīd. In Arabic script. Mentions children being healthy. Quite faded. Needs examination.
Document in Arabic script. Needs examination.