31745 records found
Accounts in Arabic script for the sale of cotton. Dating: Late, probably 19th century. Very neat. Needs examination.
Document in Arabic script. Needs examination.
Legal document in Arabic script. The name ʿAlī b. Khālid appears in Hebrew characters in the upper left corner, and the name Yehuda in Hebrew characters appears in the middle of the Arabic text of the document. Needs examination.
List of mercantile goods (foods, spices, materia medica, metals) and their quantities, mostly given in pounds/arṭāl. In Arabic script.
Accounts in Arabic script.
Document in Arabic script. Mentions al-amīr al-ajall. Needs examination.
Arabic poetry: a close variant of this poem, praising the tongue/speech over other forms of beautyرأيت العز في أدب وعقل وفي الجهل المذلة والهوانوماحسن الرجال لهم بحسن إذا لم يسعد الحسن البيانكفى بالمرء عيباً أن تراه له وجه وليس له لسان
Awaiting description
Letter, probably. Written in Arabic script. Needs examination.
Document in Arabic script. Needs examination.
Awaiting description
Accounts in Arabic script. On verso the first letters of three lines, very widely spaced, can be seen.
Letter fragment in Arabic script.
Accounts in Arabic script.
*Document in Arabic script. Needs examination.
*Document in Arabic script. May contain a registration mark. Needs examination.
Document in Arabic script. In at least two different hands (or calami). Names [...] Ḥasan(?) b. Isḥaq al-.[...] al-Yahūdī. Needs examination.
*Document in Arabic script. Ṣaḥḥa li-Abū l-Faraj b. al-Rūmī(?). . . . Needs examination.
Legal fragment in Arabic script. Needs examination.
Pen trials in Arabic script. Notable for the excellent calligraphy.