31745 records found
Legal document in Arabic script. A woman named Jamīla has an eye disease and contracts Hibat Allāh b. Ibrāhīm b. Yaʿqūb al-Yahūdī to treat her. The date is given but difficult to read. Needs examination. ASE.
Letter to Eliyyahu concerning the thirty-dirham balance of the capitation tax (jizya) owed by Abu al-Makarim, who is in great need of it because he is under house arrest, guarded by the hashir (rallier). The addressee is asked to arrange to collect money at the congratulation reception (wedding) of either Ibn al-Muzaghlil ('The Dazzler') or that of Bu al-Barakat. (Information from Goitein, Mediterranean Society, vol. II, p. 492.)
Legal document from the Muslim (qāḍī) courts. In Arabic script, with a Judaeo-Arabic filing note. Dated: 945 AH, which is 1538 CE. Concerning the estate of a merchant in Damietta. Information kindly provided by Jane Hathaway.
Legal testimony. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated [..]48, probably 1548 Seleucid = 1236/37 CE but plausibly a century earlier or later. The titles of the Nagid (including ner ha-maʿaravi) and the mention of the judge R. Yeḥiel should help pin it down. The testimony involves a dispute over who gets to slaughter. A judge Hiba is also mentioned.
Legal document. In Hebrew. Location: Fustat. Dated: Monday, 4 Av 5386 AM, which is 1626 CE. Concerning Malka/Milka, the widow of the late Ya'ir Abīdāriʿ (?), documenting that she is taking "the vow of widowhood" to collect her ketubba payment.
A court record detailing an attack on a ḥazzan, his wife, and his children with a shoe (Information from Goitein’s index card)
Marriage contract from Ramla, ca. 1062 or 1070. The groom is Avraham b. Sedeqa. (Friedman, Jewish Marriage, vol. 2, p. 358-61) EMS
A court document which details that Sitt al-Dar, wife of Sedaqa ha-Levi, promised to comply with the stipulation of her late brother, Sedaqa, to provide for their mother until her death and arrange a proper funeral for her upon her death. In addition, she promised to pay her brother Hiba Bu-Saʿid ten dinars if he appeared in the country. Her husband confirmed this promise and acted as a financial co-signer. (Information from Goitein’s index card)
Ketubba fragment. The groom is named Ghālib.
Legal document, probably. In Aramaic. Calligraphic. Avraham b. Yosef b. Ḥasān(?) from Toledo is named in the text block at the bottom, then the next line names Fustat on the Nile. Needs examination.
Legal document. Partnership agreement in a press (?maʿṣara). In Hebrew. Location: Fustat. Dated: Sunday 4 Tamuz 5275 AM, which is 1515 CE. Currencies: Peraḥim. The four partners are Avraham Talmid, David Alfandre(?), Shelomo Aguilar, and Yosef Sevillia (Shebillia?). Signed by three witnesses (none of whom are the partners), including Me'ir Saragosi. There is a note or addendum on the back.
Deed of sale. In Hebrew. Location: Fustat. Dated: Thursday 26 Iyyar 5306 AM, which is 1546 CE. Currency: Peraḥim. Shelomo b. Yeshuʿa sells the shop where he sells wood to a certain Moshe(?). Witness: Yosef known as Farjūn(?) and Nissim known as [...].
Legal testimony. Signed and scribed by Yaʿaqov Geryani(?). Also witnessed by Yiṣḥaq b. Binyamin b. Shoshin. Location; Fustat. Dated: Thursday 3 Tishrei 5370 AM, which is 1609 CE. The witnesses attest that Yaʿaqov Elyaqim was coerced out of his partnership with Elazar Porekh known as Shuqayr. Information from FGP.
Legal testimony. In Hebrew. Location: Fustat. Dated: Wednesday 15 Tevet 5385 AM, which is 1624 CE. Witnesses: Masʿūd ʿAmram and Shelomo ʿAravit(?). They attest that Yehuda b. Maymūn agrees to work for Khalīfa Daga(?) b. Shemuel as a naqqād in Ṣarf al-Manṣūra under a certain amir until the end of Elul, for a total salary of 2000 muayyadis. Information from FGP.
Ketubba fragment. The groom's name is Mazal Ṭov ha-Levi, and the bride is Esther. The eight lines below contain a detailed account of the conditions of the betrothal, and the date is given as Monday, 14th of Sivan, 5401 AM, which is 1641 CE. The name of the place is obliterated. Information from FGP.
Ketubba from Yemen. Date unknown. The first two lines, which included the date and the place, are now missing. The city Ṣanʿā' is mentioned in the content. The groom is Sālim b. Saʿīd al-Akhlūfī. The bride is Saʿīda bt. Saʿīd al-Ḥatrūshī. The document differs greatly from the usual ketubba and contains a number of Arabic phrases as אלפצה אלמדכורה. One of the two witnesses is יודא ן' מורי מוסי אלשחב (the other is illegible). Information from FGP.
Ketubba from Yemen. Date: Friday 19 Adar 2203 Seleucid, which is 1892 CE. Location: Al-Maḥābisha in northwest Yemen, also known as Quzayyiz, near lake al-Qaṭf. Groom: Ḥayyim b. Sulaymān. Bride: Shamʿa bt. Dā'ūd. Witnesses: Saʿīd b. Sulaymān Najjār and Yaḥya b. Saʿīd Kabbāsī. Information from FGP.
Legal formulary with instructions in Judaeo-Arabic, including the template for a bill of divorce.
Legal formulary, including templates for a deathbed will and for a release (meḥila)
Letter fragment. In Judaeo-Arabic. The addressee is called ha-Nasi ha-Gaon. A certain R. Yehuda is mentioned. The remaining content is almost entirely formulaic.