31745 records found
Medical treatise in Arabic script. Agaric (al-ghāriqūn). . . Turbid (turpeth). . .
A 13th/19th-century Ottoman era debt acknowledgment document with a seal. Muḥammad Ḥusain acknowledges (aqarra wa ashada) in his sound mind that he owes 900 Kuruş in debt (شهد بذلك يكون ملزوم 900 ق) to Ḥusain al-Baṣrī(Naṣrī?). The document is dated 26 Muḥarram 1260/16 Feb 1844.
Tax receipt, Fatimid.
Medical treatise in Arabic script.
Literary text in Arabic script. Narrative of Alexander the Great.
Arabic script (VMR)
Arabic script (VMR)
Literary text in Arabic script. The adventures of Alexander the Great.
Arabic script (VMR)
Arabic script (VMR)
Arabic script (VMR)
Arabic script (VMR)
Arabic script (VMR)
Arabic script (VMR)
Arabic script (VMR)
Bottom half of a legal document, 4 lines. Mentions arṭāl Miṣr, the quantity of half raṭl, and the occurrence of the transaction/event in the presence of a judge (bī-ḥuḍūr l-Qāḍī l-ʿArab).
Letter in Ladino. Dated: 10 Nisan 5581 AM, which is 1821 CE. Gives the writer's name and location as well as the addressee's name, but all are difficult to read. Mentions various ships and business matters as well as Crete (Candia). Needs further examination.
Writ of debt drawn up in the ''high court" between two brothers, both kohanim, Hiba b. Ghālib and Yisraʾel b. Ghālib. Location: Jerusalem. Dated: Friday, 24 Ḥeshvan 4765 AM, which is 10 November 1004 CE. ("The fifth year of the shemiṭa" is specified.) Hiba owes Yisraʾel the considerable sum of 236 dinars. (Or has he already paid?) Signed by Shelomo b. Mevorakh; Shelomo b. Yiṣḥaq; Shemuel b. Naḥuma; and Shemuel ha-Shlishi ("the Third") b. Hoshaʿna. (third), son of Hoshana. (Information in part from Gil.)
Letter from Avraham ha-Reviʿi b. Shemuel ha-Shelishi, probably in Ramla, to Shelomo b. Yehuda, in Jerusalem. In Hebrew. Dating: Ca. 1040 CE. The letter is also signed by the physician ʿAmram b. Aharon ha-Kohen. (There was a liturgical poet by the name of Shemuel ha-Shelishi ("the Third") whose works survived in the Geniza and who lived around 1000, so this could well be his son.) The bearer of the letter is Moshe b. Mevasser. The senders ask the addressee to ensure that he receives the full third of his father's inheritance that is due to him; there are 3 brothers (including a Natan b. Mevasser), and none is the firstborn. Shelomo b. Yehuda writes about the same case in T-S 20.178. There is also a request "to obtain a little kohl for me to remove the whiteness from the eye of my little daughter," and a request for emblic (amlaj). There may be a reference to the controversy with Natan b. Avraham. (Information in part from Gil.) MR. ASE.
Piyyutim, including one by Hayya Gaon 'on the name of' R. Avraham b. Yiṣḥaq b. Milqaṭa ha-Ḥazzan.