31745 records found
A legal query written and signed by Yehuda Mas'ud The query reagrding a partnership agreement of tax collections in one of the districts of Egypt, that according to one of the partners was forced upon him. Reuven, who was a close associate of the ruler of Egypt, recieved from him an appointment to collect taxes. After a year, the head of the district decided to appoint one of his assistance, Shimon, to the same position held by Reuven. Shimon was affraid that Reuven will cancel his appointement so he offerd him to sign a partnership contract and share half of his revenue with him. Reuven agreed and released himself from the position. The time has come and Reuven asked Shimon for his share in the profits. Shimon alienate himself claiming that he was forced to sign the contract because Reuven treatened him and forced him to sign. Reuven denied he forced him and claimed that the agrrement is valid. Published by Glick, שרידי תשובות מחכמי האימפריה העות'מאנית p. 326-323
See PGP 15814
A legal query regarding a man who stole from a gentile, if he entitled to return it. Published by Glick, Seridey Teshuvot, pp. 538-555. AA
Responsa by Ribash, no. 202-203.
Letter in Arabic script dated Monday 24 Jumādā I 517H (
On recto a draft of an Hebrew legal query regarding two brothers who one of them is demanding his share in his father's inheritance. One of the brothers, Reuben, held for 20 years an apartment from the father's possesions. The will is missing and Reunben brought one of the witnesses who signed it. On verso a similar case in JA. The scribe is familair from legal queries sent to Abraham Maimuni and his contemporaries. AA
Arabic script (VMR)
Report or memorandum mentioning Ibn Khalīfa and a government job (khidma).
Trial of the pen consisting of several basmala-s
Two names in Hebrew script: Shelomo b. David and Riḍā b. Yeshuʿa.
Fragment of a decree. There is a single full word: "al-mustaḥabbīn."
Letter or petition in Arabic script. On verso there is Hebrew literary text. Needs examination.
Document in Arabic script. May be a state document. Ends with a ḥamdala and a ḥasbala. Needs examination.
Folio from a diwan of Hebrew poetry. Contains a poem by Moshe Ibn ʿEzra. Then "When the first qiṭʿa reached R. Yehuda (ZL), he responded to it with this [...] and said:"
Accounts of some sort. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Perhaps 11th century, based on the handwriting and the names (e.g. Barhūn). Needs examination.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Dealing mainly with business matters. Mentions people such as Abū Naṣr Daftarī; Ibn Ṣaghīr; Ibn(?) Hilāl; and shaykh Maḍmūn. Quantities on the order of 12 dinars are named. The addressee is asked to obtain a letter or document from Kātib al-Jaysh. The continuation on verso is very faded; the writer mentions his marriage several times.
Letter fragment conveying concern for "the girl" (al-ṣabiyya) and inviting her to spend a month in the writer's location. Mentions receiving a letter sent with Abu l-Ḥasan Ibn Khaṭṭāfa (?). ASE.
Will. In Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic. Location: Fustat. Dating: Unknown. The writer specifies his wishes for his grave and shroud (for which he has also supplicated God all the days of his life). He wishes to be buried in between his father and mother, and the site is already prepared for his body. Once he is buried, an edifice should be built over it and painted white. The shroud should have ẓiẓit on it.
Two pages containing an end of a responsa, a legal query and the beginning of the responsa. AA .
A legal query concerning a Kew living nearby a gentile.