31745 records found
List of names and sums in a late hand.
List of weekly emoluments, preceded by the collection made for the purpose. Superscription: 'Statement about the revenue from the collection for the weekly payments, jibayat al-mujama'a, for the week of Naso' (Numbers 4:21-7:89, read mostly in May or June); 'our Master' (Moses Maimonides) 8 dirhams, 'the Trustworthy' (title of Maimonides' father-in-law) 12 dirhams, three others 10 dirhams, one, three, and five other 6, 5, and 4 dirhams respectively; Several items are lost. On the reverse side (as the manuscript is bound, it is recto) the Trustworthy and others give additional sums. Still, only 124 dirhams were collected, while another 31 were required. Besides communal officials (R. Anatoli, 8 dirhams; R. Jephthah, 6; the cantor Abu Sahl, 6; and others), payments to women and for the capitation tax are included. R. Anatoli's monthly salary of 52 dirhams, which was covered by income from houses, probably was simultaneous with this weekly emolument, which was paid from a collection. (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, pp. 465-466, App. B 102)
Account, possibly for the collection of tax on real estate. Many names. (Amir Ashur)
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic dealing with commercial matters, reused between the lines for a literary text quoting rabbinic works.
Fragment of a list of recipients of bread (twelve out of 22 receive 2 loaves each). Ca. 1107 (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, p. 465, App. B 101) | Four fragments in this shelfmark. Upper right: a literary text in square hand involving inheritance. Upper left: faded text, perhaps a part of a piyyut. Lower right: a list of names and sums - probably dispribution of bread for charity. Lower left: faded text , hard to read.
List of names with sums - all are crossed out. On the back is a line in Arabic script (see separate entry).
Fragment of a decree mentioning the funds of a dīwān in exchange for something. Late Fatimid (paleographic dating), same chancery hand as some of the docs from Cambridge. The preserved text reads as "wa-l-īrād ḥāfiẓan lī amwāl al-dīwān bādilan fī ".
List of contributions, calligraphically written, 32 names preserved, of the type common among Jews at the end of the Middle Ages, such as Nasr Allah (twice), Abd al-Karim, Khadir, Abd al-Aziz, Abd al-Wahid. Coptic numerals. (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, pp. 505-506, App. C 130)
List of Muslim names in Hebrew script accompanied by alphanumerical figures which could indicate accounts. The dating for this fragment is likely from the 16th-18th centuries. The verso is blank but on the recto the names include: Abu-al-Khayr al-Majjani, Badir al-Ḥalabi, Suleiman al-Maghribi, 'Omer al-Anbabi, Sinan Reis. Date: 16th c, 17th c, 18th c. MCD.
Collection for the capitation tax - jibayat al-jawali (verso) (for the 6th week of the liturgical year, usually falling in November). As the very small sums show, these were not payments to the government, but contributions toward the capitation tax of the poor. The collection was made on a Thursday (21 persons) and the subsequent Friday (15). Sums: 1 gave 11/2 dirham wariq, 13 gave 1 dirham, 3 gave 3/4 dirham, 12 gave 1/2 dirham, 2 gave 1/4 dirham, and 5 unclear or not preserved. All these sums together would not make the total of the yearly capitation tax required from one man. Because of the extreme poverty of the population, the tax was collected in installments. The fraction rendered 1/3 is represented by a 'v' on its side with a dot in the middle and another on top ( like an abbreviation mark); a 'v' on its side without a dot in the middle I think is 1/2 [half an 'alef]. The common Coptic slash is also used for 1/2. (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, p. 505 App. C 128)
Account in different hands listing items of clothing and their prices (?)
List in large, beautiful Arabic script (perhaps of the judge Shemuel b. Saadya ha-Levi?), containing about 55 names, followed by a column in Hebrew characters with about 23 names, some identical. Abu al-Barakat al-Murid, the purveyor of gold and silver to the mint (see Mediterranean Society, I, p.267). Only three contributions are indicated. Ca. 1180. (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, pp. 504-505, App. C 126)
List in monumental cursive, contemporary with ENA 2591.1, several names being identical. Six contributing two (dinars it seems); five contributing one; twelve contributing one-half; Total, indicated in the list: 23 dinars. The sum was probably needed for a special and urgent purpose, such as the travel expenses of a foreigner who was about to leave. (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, p. 504, App. C 125)
List of names. The woman bt. Ulla and her husband Evyatar b. El'azar. This is followed by a memorial list mentioning the well know mid 12th century judge Hiyya b. Yishaq, his brother Yosef and Sar Shalom.
List of names with sums organized in two colums, the first is "the house of Joseph the transporter" and the second "the house of the chicken seller"
(a) List of names and sums (b) small piece of unclear nature.
List of the members of "the house of al-kohen [...]" on the back are a few lines in Arabic script an other texts.
List of the members of "House of Yehuda" and then "House of al-Umm?"
Lists of names according to different households: The household of the scribe, the househodl of the captive, the household of al-Damiri.
Responsum of Daniel b. Azarya about a dispute between men named Avraham and Yaʿaqov.