31745 records found
Small amulet, probably, for Tamīm b. Hilāla.
Several alchemical recipes written at all angles to each other.
Recto: Literary text in rhymed Hebrew lines. Verso: Draft of the beginning of a letter in unusual Arabic script with balls at the tops of alifs and lams. Also, in Judaeo-Arabic, drafts of the phrase: "[this is to] inform Peraḥya."
Fragment of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Recto preserves only the beginning, mentioning "the khaṭṭ of my master for 22 dinars." Verso preserves the left half of the address in Arabic script (min [...] b. [...] al-[...], al-Fusṭāṭ, yaṣil [...]).
Small booklet partially filled with a halakhic discussion of qorbanot, partially filled with very involved doodles.
Another 28 folios from the ledger of donations collected in the years around 1800 CE. These entries are for the year 5559 (1798/99). ASE.
Legal document, damaged, dated no earlier than 1289 CE (אלפא ושית מאה . . . ).
Probably a dowry list, quite faded.
Letter (opening only) from Shemuel b. Eli gaʾon in the hand of his disciple Yosef b. Yaʿaqov rosh ha-seder. Mentions one of houses of the exilarch, but it is not clear if this is the addressee. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, #82) VMR
Fragment of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic, preserving ~12 lines, likely in the hand of Moses Maimonides. See Shailat's edition of the letters of Maimonides, ה2. איגרת המלצה לבן תורה.
Several small fragments. The first is the end of an extremely faded legal document; the singatures of several witnesses are preserved.
The opening of a letter in rudimentary Judaeo-Arabic (e.g. ממלוכה אלאצרג), from one Barukh, to Shelomo (?) Nasi Galuyot Kol Yisra'el.
Legal document, damaged. Many names are legible, but the subject matter is unclear.
Letter, small fragment.
Small fragment, perhaps a genealogy or memorial list, including a lineage with an Aluf ha-Ḥaver . . . bar Avraham bar . . . Sahlān bar . . . Avraham bar . . . Sahlān bar Av[raham].
Report of the death of a Jewish woman. In Arabic script. The deceased is Saʿdiyya bt. Yūsuf al-Yahūdi. Her father, Yūsuf, is the heir. Dated: Tuesday, 8 Rajab 657 AH, which is 1 July 1259 CE. Witnesses: Hibatallāh b. Faḍāʾil; Bū Saʿd b. Yūsuf b. Sālim. (Information from CUDL and Khan.)
Legal document. In Hebrew. Late. Involves the Mustaʿribī congregation and Avraham Dammūhī. This document is a join to CUL Or. 1081 2.26 (found via FGP joinfinder). Needs further examination. MCD.
Fragment of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic. The main part deals with business transactions, including shipments of Marāzībī tutty and walnuts. Abū l-Faḍl b. Maʿlā is mentioned, probably identical with the Abū l-Faḍl Yūsuf b. Maʿlā of T-S 13J14.12 and T-S 13J15.3. The margin contains part of a recommendation for a poor man (the bearer of the letter?), naked and lost, "yatīm al-aḥyā'." ASE
Small fragment of a letter. On verso there is a booklist including entries such as Kitāb al-Khalīqa, Kitāb Juʿrāfiyya (געראפיה = Geograph), Divrei ha-Yamim, Kunnāsh Bū Yaʿaqov, Kitāb al-Rasā'il.
Fragment of a letter, probably 14th century or later. Needs further examination.