31745 records found
Fragment of a Haggadah.
Informal note in Judaeo-Arabic. "The shaykh Sibāʿ will give to the messenger a ratl of good-quality oil, none other."
Literary, Hebrew.
Magical instructions in Judaeo-Arabic, e.g. for getting pregnant or healing a scorpion sting.
Bill of divorce. Husband: Riḍā b. [...]. Wife: Tarīfa/Turayfa(?) bt. Malik(?).
Literary. Bible.
Letter to Damsīs. In Judaeo-Arabic. Mentioning the mother of the recipient... something to be purchased for the writer... capitation tax payments... receipts... [ei]ght dirhams and a hundred eggs (?).
Opening of a letter from [...] b. al-'Ajami to higher-ranked person, with several lines of Hebrew blessings, several lines of formulaic Judaeo-Arabic, then it is cut off.
Fragment of an Aramaic literary source.
Fragment of a literary source.
One side: five lines of Arabic script, content unclear. The other side: laws of sheḥiṭa.
Very faded, perhaps magical incantations? Mentions angels' names, demons, plague, quotes Song of Songs 8:7.
Hebrew qinot mentioning the Spanish exile.
Legal document. In Arabic script. Location: Yemen. Dated: Shawwāl 1177 AH, which is 1764 CE. At least six witness clauses appear at the bottom.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: ca. 1764 CE. Mentions numerous names: Yaḥyā b. Hādī, ʿAlī and his brother Ṣāliḥ, ʿAlī Ḥusayn, ʿAzīz b. Sinān, Yūsuf al-ʿAzīzī, Manṣūr b. Avraham, Mūsā al-Ḥajabī, and ʿAlī Ḥusayn al-Ashwal. It is cold in the village, and everyone is sick, and the writer requests a delivery of some kind. There is also a report on conditions in the 'upper village.'
Document in Arabic script, perhaps a trade letter/document. Mentions sending something, probably a letter and milk "ḥalība maḥmūla", in the companionship (suḥba) of someone and some greetings. Verso has two diagonal lines in Arabic, probably remnants of an address.
Genealogy of the geonim of Palestine in the hand of Sahlān b. Avraham. (Information from Gil.)
Medical recipes in Hebrew, filled with Romance words.
Fragment of a Hebrew literary source.
Literary. Bible.