31745 records found
Literary. Instructions of some kind in very faded Judaeo-Arabic.
Letter fragment in Hebrew. Late. There are drafts of letter openings in both Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic on verso.
Legal fragment. In Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions "his wife" and Sitt al-Dār.
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Dating: Late. Mentions names such as ʿImrān, ʿĪsā, Muḥammad, Yūsuf, Ibrāhīm. The numbers are large (some in the thousands).
Literary. Small fragment.
Literary? Rhyming Hebrew text.
Legal document in Arabic script. Small fragment, containing the last couple lines and at least one witness statement.
Literary. Small fragment.
Ladino translation of the genealogy section of Genesis. Calligraphic. Very small fragment.
A few words in Judaeo-Arabic.
Literary. Biblical quotations about oxen.
Deathbed will, probably. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: Shevat 1441 Seleucid, which is 1129/30 CE. Small fragment.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Listing clothing and household items.
Accounts in Ladino and western Arabic numerals. Dated: 14 Tishrei 556[.], which is the first decade of the 19th century. Small fragment. Mentions a consul.
Recto: Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions Rabbenu Yeḥiel.
Accounts, probably. Table of names and numbers. In Hebrew script. Late.
Letter addressed to Nissim Majjānī. In Hebrew. Late. Only the address is preserved.
Legal document. In Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions something that passed 'between the two of them'; the court in Fustat; a sum of dinars; Natan b. Shelomo. It is not clear how the two fragments fit together.
Literary. Small fragment.
Primary text: Letter from Maʿānī, in an unknown location, to his brother Mūsā, in Fustat. The letter is in Judaeo-Arabic with the address in Arabic: to [Sūq] al-ʿAṭṭārīn, to Ibn al-Amshāṭī, to be given to [...] al-Ḥazzān, to be given to his son Mūsā. "By the milk with which we were nursed and by the womb that bore us. . . do not let your father cut me off because of what I said to him. You yourself should buy the paper from him. . . the copyist. . . exert (tajdahid = tajtahid) yourself for me." The letter ends here. Secondary text: There is a grid in red ink on verso, filled with Arabic, Judaeo-Arabic, and Hebrew. ASE.