31745 records found
Index of biblical quotations starting with ve-Lo.
Large fragment in Samaritan script. Torah, probably.
Geomancy with Arabic script and western Arabic numerals
Get (bill of divorce) dated Shevat 1050 CE (4810) from Damsis. Menahem b. Yefet repudiates Rida bt. Avraham. The document was written and signed by David b. Moshe, and also signed by Shemuel b. Avraham. Information from Goitein's note card.
Get (bill of divorce) dated the 11th of Heshvan 1097 CE (1409 Seleucid) from Fustat. Tahor ha-Kohen b. Yeshu'ah repudiates Banat bt. Natan. Signed by Avraham b. Natan Av [ha-Yeshivah?] and [Avraham?] b. Ḥalfon. Information from Goitein's note card.
Get (bill of divorce) dated the 24th of Tamuz 1128 CE (1439 Seleucid) from Fustat. She'erit b. Ḥalfon repudiates Turfa bt. Avraham. Written and signed by Ḥalfon b. Menashshe, also signed by Natan b. Shemuel ha-Ḥaver. Information from Goitein's note card. [The illness of one Turfa bt. Avraham is described in detail in T-S 10J11.22, but this may or may not be the same person.]
Get (bill of divorce) dated the 16th of Tamuz 1147 CE (1458 Seleucid) from al-Mahallah. Abu l-Fakhr ha-Kohen b. Ḥalfon repudiates Sami bt. Shelah. Written and signed by Zakkay (?) b. Moshe, also signed by 'Amram b. Ya'aqov. Information from Goitein's note card.
Recto: Get (bill of divorce) dated the 20th of Av 1162 CE (1473 Seleucid) from Fustat. Thabit b. Abu l-Faraj repudiates Sitt al-Nas bt. Abu l-Husayn. Per Goitein, the document was written as well as signed by Mevorakh b. Natan ha-Ḥaver (whose signature is surrounded by minute letters, abbreviating a verse?). Also signed by Ya'aqov ha-Kohen b. Yosef. Verso: attestation that the get was delivered. Information in part from Goitein's note card.
Get (bill of divorce) dated the 9th of Heshvan 1163 CE (1475 Seleucid) from Fustat. Mansur b. Sa'd known as Ibn 'Ummayr repudiates Nasab bt. [Farah]. Written and signed by Mevorakh b. Natan ha-Ḥaver, also signed by Shelomo ha-Levi b. Shemuel. Information from Goitein's note card. This get was evidently never delivered, and they did not actually divorce until the following year: see 5524.7.
Recto: Get (bill of divorce) dated the 9th of Shevat 1164 CE (1475 Seleucid) from Fustat. Mansur b. Abu Sa'd al-Sayrafi known as Ibn 'Ummayr repudiates Nasab bt. Farah. Written and signed by mevorakh b. Natan ha-Ḥaver, also signed by Shemaryah b. Avraham. Verso: attestation that the get was delivered the same day. Information from Goitein's note card.
Get (bill of divorce). Location: Fustat. Dated: 26 Av 1484 Seleucid, which is 1173 CE. Abū Saʿd b. Abū ʿAlī repudiates [Sitt al-]Jamīʿ bt. Yūsuf al-Ṣabbāgh. Signed by Shemuel b. Seʿadya ha-Levi and Mevorakh b. Natan ha-Ḥaver. (Information from Goitein's note card.)
A very large magical fragment with copious Coptic text and scattered phrases in (poor) Greek. Thanks to Professor Maria Mavroudi for identifying the languages, and to the Coptic Magical Papyri project for a detailed description and partial translation of this fragment, available at http://www.coptic-magic.phil.uni-wuerzburg.de/index.php/2019/04/05/looking-at-the-coptic-magical-papyri-iii-boundary-crossing-texts/. It is a formulary-cum-amulet to protect the pregnant woman Soura daughter of Pelca and her children. ASE.
Calligraphic letter from Sadoq Ha-Kohen b. Eliyyahu, Jerusalem, to his brother (probably Evyatar) in Fustat, June 1056 [13th of Tamuz, year 987 since the destruction of the temple]. Opens with a Hebrew poem. Sadoq's signature is surrounded by small Hebrew letters. There is a tiny note in the lower right corner apologizing for the bad (or: Arabic?) handwriting of the (now lost) address, which was necessary for the safe arrival of the letter. Information in part from Goitein's note card attached to PGPID 6192.
Formulary for a Karaite ketubba. See Mann, Texts and Studies, 174–76. Information from Goitein's note card.
Recto: Circular letter in the name of Moses Maimonides. The recto preserves only an eloquent introduction. Verso gives the name of Moses Maimonides and preserves the address to the notables of Damirah, Jujar, Samanoud, Damsis, and Sumbat. Also on verso is a Judaeo-Arabic note at 180 degrees about the story of Ya'aqov and Leah. (Information in part from Goitein's note card.) BL OR 5533.1, T-S 12.238, and T-S 16.9 are all versions of the same letter.
Calligraphic get (bill of divorce) dated the 19th of Kislev 1661 CE (5422) from Damascus. Moshe b. Avraham known as Ibrahim repudiates Malkah known as Muluk bt. Eliyahu known as Khidr. Signed by Elazar b. Noah and Hayyim b. Eliyyahu.
Segment of a letter from Shelomo ha-Kohen Gaon b. Eliyyahu, Damascus, to Ulla ha-Levi b. Yosef, Fustat, February 1116.
Letter from Avraham b. Mu'ti Tilimsani, having arrived safely in Aydhab, to Abu Sa'd b. Azhar, in Fustat. He provides an update on a matter concerning Yizhaq b. Khalfun. Avraham has sent something with Yusuf b. Sulayman to Abu Zikri for him to sell. He sends regards to Abu Rida and his son Abu Sa'd, the in-laws of the recipient, as well as his father Azhar. He asks him to help the above-mentioned Yusuf in selling the pearls.
Memorial list for several families in the hand of Mevorakh b. Natan, including one person who was martyred and at least four who died young. Information from Goitein's note card.
Document of ḥaliṣa (release from levirate marriage). Dated: 18 Shevaṭ 1326 Seleucid, which is 1015 CE. Location: Fustat. For Farjiyya bt. Sahlān. Her husband Yehoshuaʿ b. Moshe died, and so the ceremony was conducted to release her from having to marry his brother Yehuda. No signatures. Square book hand with carefully justified margins. See Med Soc III, IX, C, 1 n. 223. (Information from Goitein's index card.)