31745 records found
Account (cuento) in Ladino and western Arabic numerals. Mentions Eliyya Palombo.
Slip of paper with two lines blessing the recipient with the blessing of Joseph in Genesis 39:2.
List of names arranged in columns. There is also a brief note about sums of money on the bottom right of recto.
Brief note from Hananel instructing Abu [...] to give the bearer 33 dirhams.
Letter fragment (from Shelomo b. Eliyyahu?) with elaborate praise and good wishes for the recipient Abū l-Faraj and his children.
Calendar in grid layout. Decorated with red crescents. In Hebrew. Late.
First document: Letter fragment addressed to Nahray b. Nissim regarding the sale of ambergris. Second document: Letter fragment addressed to Yehuda ha-Kohen ha-Sar ha-Adir. Information and transcription in Goitein's notes linked below. ASE.
Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. Little remains.
One of the three fragments here (BL OR 10599.19A?) is a small fragment containing Arabic script.
Document with a few lines of Arabic script on each side. Fragment of a fiscal account? Needs examination.
Probably late. A list of dozens of names arranged in two columns per side. Prefaced with "the names of the households who are invited (? maʿzūma)." Some professions are listed.
This shelfmark contains four fragments. Two are late and literary. One is so small that it preserves only a few Hebrew words. The documentary fragment is the upper right one in Judaeo-Arabic, perhaps from a letter. The first words of eight lines are preserved; they mention two kosher witnesses and the consummation of a marriage (al-dukhūl bi-hā).
See PGPID 19097.
Letter from Shelomo b. Eliyyahu to Abū l-Bayān, requesting that he let him copy a volume of responsa, either bringing it to Shelomo or having Shelomo come to his house to copy it. The tone is slightly confrontational ("because if a person says something, he must fulfill it"). On verso, a note by Shelomo b. Eliyyahu, registering his expenditure for a Friday, mainly on foods. Also a note to deliver this slip to his mother (? Sittī al-Ra'īsa, with lots of honorifics). Information from Mediterranean Society, IV, 231-2. ASE.
Letter fragment in Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic addressed to an important person [...] b. Saadya, who may be identifiable on the basis of the titles he is given (is it Mevorakh?). Very little remains except copious blessings and praises. ASE.
Recto: remnants of two lines of an Arabic-script chancery document. In between, at ninety degrees, is an Arabic list (of names?), most of which are crossed out. Verso: Hebrew poetry.
A query seeking a responsum, addressed to Avraham Maimonides regarding an unmarried man living with a female slave. (Information from Mediterranean Society, V, p. 486 and from Goitein's index cards)
Fragment of a query to Avraham Maimonides (1205-1237) regarding the relationship between a single man and a female slave.
Ketubba dated the 9th of Tammuz, 1880 CE (2191 Seleucid) for Yos[ef] b. Sulayman b. Avraham al-Sabari and Ghina bt. Y[.]ya b. Yahya [...] al-Sabari, a widow. Merits futher examination. The names and place names are likely fully decipherable. Possibly Yemeni? Bears at least a superficial resemblance to Mosseri VII.19 (an 1899 Yemeni ketubba), see edition by Amir Ashur and Ben Outhwaite, "A Jewish marriage deed from nineteenth-century Yemen." ASE.
Modern letter in Hebrew and Yiddish. Probably from Gaster's personal archive.