31745 records found
8 pages from a halakhic work on shehitah
Bifolium from a halakhic work on shehitah
4 pages from a Hebrew medical treatise, with notations in the margin in the same hand.
Bifolium from a Hebrew medical treatise.
Bifolium from a Judaeo-Arabic medical treatise with headers in red ink and certain terms translated into Latin (?).
Bifolium from a Judaeo-Arabic medical treatise with some corrections in a different hand.
4 pages from a late Hebrew medical treatise, including the introduction on general physiology and ontology of illness.
Page from a Hebrew medical treatise, bearing a header in the upper margin in a different hand, Zād al-Musāfir (of Ibn al-Jazzār).
Bifolium from a late Hebrew medical treatise.
Page from a Hebrew medical treatise, including some obstetrics/gynecology.
Possibly a work on philosophy or physics... very faded.
Letter (fragment) of which only the bottom section of the body and marginal portion of the text remains. In l. 15r one S[eñor] Curiel is mentioned and on several occasions there is reference to Istanbul, for example: "the ships travel every day from Istanbul / אל מראכיב כול יום בסאפרו מין קוסטה" (l. 21-22r). Perhaps collectively indicating "Egypt" or, alternatively, "Cairo" the locational term "מציר" (l. 10r, 12r) is also in use, which although it does not reflect common Judeo-Arabic orthography may demonstrate influence of the Ottoman Turkish term "Misir." There is much discussion of prices rendered in eastern Arabic numerals and, for example, in "רייל דהבי" (l. 10r). In the margin's final line there is also mention of one S[eñor] Yisrael Silmon [?] "ס יסראל שילמון". The fragment's verso is blank. MCD.
4 bifolia from a Judaeo-Arabic medical treatise.
Bifolium from a late Hebrew medical treatise, including headers on pathologies of the womb
Several pages from a late Judaeo-Arabic medical treatise.
Page from a late Judaeo-Arabic medical treatise.
Page from a Hebrew medical treatise.
Bifolium from a medical treatise with sections in both Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic.
Page from a Hebrew medical treatise
Page from a Hebrew medical treatise