31745 records found
Fragment (lower right corner) of a begging letter addressed to a judge. The writer seems to have spent two months hiding indoors from his debtors. The handwriting looks familiar. ASE.
Page 2 is a calligraphic letter in Hebrew to the elders of Alexandria, dated 1697/8 CE (5458), signed by three men, on behalf of a woman who, along with her infant son, had been abandoned by her husband Ya'aqov al-Luzio (? אללוזייו or possibly אללומיו) b. Avraham. Ya'aqov had moreover sent to tell her that if she attempted to follow him, he would steal away in the dead of night and she would be left to wander the land. The writers of this letter ask for the addressees' help to bring Ya'aqov before a court before he escapes from Egypt, and make him give her the get and pay her ketubbah in full (6000 mu'ayyadi) as well as the cost of food that he has been negligent in providing for his wife and his son all this time. Page 1 is a puzzling set of drafts of letters and perhaps legal documents in Hebrew, including one that opens in the same manner as the letter on Page 2, but others of which have nothing to do with it. Needs further examination. ASE
Recto: Mercantile letter addressed to a certain Ibrāhīm. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: mid-11th century (since verso is related to T-S 8J29.5, which is dated 1047 CE). Mentions people such as Abū l-Faraj Mardūk, Abū Isḥāq Barhūn, Ibrāhīm b. Faraḥ al-Iskandarānī, Abū Saʿīd, Abū Yaʿqūb Yūsuf, and mentioning goods such as bitumen (qifār), coral, a copper pot (al-burma al-nuḥās), and silk. The sender will probably be identifiable. This letter does not seem to have been published or cited in the literature.
Verso: Legal testimony by Yosef b. Moshe [b. Barhūn al-Tahertī] regarding events in Alexandria related to Khulayf b. Menaḥem al-Shaʿālī. Needs further examination, and should be read together with T-S 8J29.5, another testimony by Yosef al-Taherti on the same matter (dated 1047 CE). ASE.
Interesting Judaeo-Arabic letter with phonetic spellings and rudimentary hanwriting. Abū l-ʿAlā' writes to Maḥāsin al-Ḍāmin (the tax farmer) in אביר (=Abyār?) to inform him that 15 dirhams have arrived with al-Ḥajj Naṣr and the two ratls of [...] have arrived with Abū Ṣadaqah. He asks Maḥāsin to send tutty (zinc oxide) and ophthalmic medicines (ashyāf) with the bearer of the letter. He also requests a blanket for "the little girl" (al-ṣughayyira), presumably his daughter or his wife, for sleeping. The writer and al-ṣughayyira were saddened that the addressee did not come to celebrate the holidays with them. He tells Maḥāsin to write subsequent letters in Hebrew. He also mentions flax (recto and verso) and apples (verso). ASE.
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic to Karo y Frances (see tag).
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic to an Avraham [...].
Image not available. According to Schwarb Catalogue: Letter, 13th century. AA
Late document in Judaeo-Arabic addressed Karo y Frances & Company (see tag). There does not appear to be an actual letter left, but Page 1 may be an informal message. Needs examination.
Letter from [...] to Eliyyahu Frances. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: 12 Ḥeshvan 5573 AM, which is 1812 CE. Needs examination for content.
Business letter from Aḥmad Abū l-ʿIṭr(?), in Manṣūra, to Avraham Ḥakīm(?), in Fustat/Cairo. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: 18th or 19th century. Needs examination for content.
Letter of recommendation for charity for the bearer, from Trieste, dated 22 June 1863. The body of the letter is in Hebrew and gives the customary description of the bearer as deserving: from a good family, shamefaced, etc. Two and a half signatures are preserved, along with an addendum in Italian endorsing the substance of the message, signed and stamped by Sabato Raffaele Melli, the Vice-Rabbino of Trieste (who later served as head rabbi, 1870–1907). ASE.
Letter from David ben Naʿim to Moshe ben Naʿim, in Alexandria. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: 27 Tishrei 5585 AM, which is 1824 CE. Discusses various business matters and may add that the family had to leave their house on the week of Yom Kippur and they have been staying in 'bayt al-qāʿa' in 'Dar[b] al-Chelebi,' where Yosef Aghion used to be. There are three postscripts. One mentions a certain Daniel and business in Salonica; another mentions receiving a payment from 'the silk office' (dīwān al-ḥarīr) amounting to 546 gurush and 33 silver (probably medins). Also mentions a merchant surnamed Hamon. Needs further examination.
Letter from Avraham Haman and Avraham ha-Levi to Karo y Frances & Company. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: 24 Elul (Raḥamim) 5568 AM, which is 1808 CE. Needs examination for content.
Letter from Nissim Messina(?) to Karo y Frances & Company, in Fustat/Cairo. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: 27 Ḥeshvan of an unnamed year in the late 18th or early 19th century. Seems to deal in part with trade in currency, including yüzlüks (=2.5 kuruş) and maḥbūbs. Needs further examination.
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Avraham Haman and Gavriel Hefez to Karo y Frances & Company (see tags).
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from [...] ben Naʿim to Me'ir ben Naʿim, dated Nissan 1821 CE (5581). There are some sums on Page 3 along with the address.
Late letter(s) in Judaeo-Arabic to Yaʿaqov Yuʿbaṣ.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic to Abū Manṣūr al-Ṣabbāgh b. ʿAwāḍ, Alexandria, from his "brother." The letter has to do with a commodity called תסתט (?) and transfers of money. The judge is mentioned, as are Abū l-Faraj the glassmaker (al-jazzāz), Sulaymān b. Abū l-ʿAlā al-Kohen, and Abū [I]sḥāq b. Abū l-Karam. ASE.
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic to Karo y Frances & Company.