31745 records found
34 pages of donations collected on various Shabbats, including for the year 1814/15 (5575). Moshe Bibas appears throughout.
Short note in Judaeo-Arabic from Yaʿaqov Yuʿbaṣ (like AIU VII.F.68).
Late accounts in Arabic, probably Ottoman-era. The list starts with 'thaman' (price) or 'qabaḍ' (collected).
List of donations (?) for the end of Adar of the year of "ezreinu" (perhaps 70+7+200+50+6 = [5]333 = 1573 CE. But everything else in the folder is much later, so this is likely incorrect). Names listed include Shelomo b. Ḥabīb, Avraham Mador (?), Moshe Kātib, Moshe Perdonil (?) and his brother, Seʿadyah, Yosef b. [...], Yehudah b. Yosef al-Ashqar, Yaʿaqov b. Hīnī, Ḥayyim b. Hīnī, Yehudah Bahlūl (?), Yosef Muḥibb, the brother of Moshe, Shelomo Faranji, Ḥabīb Naftali, Ḥayyim Mador, Shemuel Ghazzāwī, Yiṣḥaq Ahumado (?), Yiṣḥaq al-Ashqar, Yiṣḥaq al-Ashqar Junior, Yaʿaqov Levi, Avraham Darʿī, Avraham al-Ashqar, Yiṣḥaq Talmid, Abū Yaʿqūb, Manṣūr (?) Kohen, ʿAlī b. Hīnī, Emanuel, Shabbetay, the flax worker, and Yehudah al-Ashqar.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Using the Islamic calendar. Mentioning Abū Saʿīd and the Qā'id.
Late accounts including for part of 1824 CE (1239 Hijri).
Late accounts with copious notes in Judaeo-Arabic including for the years 1779–81 CE (1193–95 Hijri).
Late list of names and money received, probably business accounts, as a large portion of the names are Muslim.
List of donations or communal payments in Judeo-Arabic. The heading may be dated as [5]565 (1804-1805CE) but this estimate is inconclusive given that lack of clarity in the alphanumerical figures קסה. This dating is plausible, however, because of the handwriting and the confluence of surnames and individuals who appear commonly in other late-18th to early-19th-century fragments. For each payment in silver coinage "פצה", the contributor's name appears: Baruch Shalom, Yaʿacov Zardil, Avraham ha-Levi, Ḥayyīm ha-Levi, Israel Dayyan, Nissim Molẖo, and many others. MCD.
Late accounts in Arabic, resembles AIU VII.F.57 but the writing is neater.
List of donations collected on various Shabbats of 1795/6 CE (5556).
Probably a 19th-century list of donations received, but needs examination. The date 55[..] appears at top left, perhaps 5579.
32 pages of Ottoman-era accounts (the fonducli is one of the currencies used).
Late accounts in Ladino.
List of names with numbers.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic: what was sold and how much money was made on different days. Most items are made of metals. People named: Abū l-Ṭāhir, Abū l-Baqā',
Accounts in Judeo-Arabic from 1829/30 CE (1245 Hijri). The top heading labels the accompanying entries as "מצרופ" which may indicate expenses or outgoing payments. The numerical figures are often listed under two parallel columns that appear with recurring headings, one of which is the symbol for silver kuruş (so the other heading is perhaps another coinage label). In the early entries a financial "coffer / צנדוק" is mentioned. MCD.
List of payments in Judaeo-Arabic dated as 14 Shvat 5595 or 13 February 1835CE. In both headings on the recto and verso Ḥayyim Griyani is mentioned as the recipient of payments which are listed in eastern Arabic numerals in parallel columns. Each numerical figure is often accompanied by a description– many mention houses and a variety of individuals, namely: Musa Nanusi[?] (l.3r), Khalifa 'Afif (l.15r), Yosef Binyamin (l.5v), Avraham ha-Levi (l.10v), and others. MCD.
4 pages of geomancy divinations, in which the questions are given (e.g. How high will the Nile be, and will produce be cheap or expensive? Who is the thief?), several dated 1797/8 CE (5558). There is also a magic square and some numerology
Late accounts, possibly charitable, as it seems to be organized by Shabbats and mentions the orphans.