31745 records found
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic.
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Avraham Haman and Gavriel Hefez to Merkado Karo and Shimʿon Frances, of Karo y Frances & Company (see tags).
Letter from Shelomo Cesana & Company to Merkado Karo. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: 12 Ḥeshvan 5572 AM, which is 30 October 1811 CE.
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic to Moshe (?) ben Naʿim. There are also some sums on Pages 2 and 3.
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Needs examination.
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic to David ben Naʿim, 1821/22 CE (5400+182). Only the upper part of the fragment is here.
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Avraham Haman and Gavriel Hefez to Merkado Karo and Shimʿon Frances, of Karo y Frances & Company (see tags).
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Moshe Bibas to Karo y Frances & Company. Dated Adar 1808 CE (5568).
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic to Karo y Frances & Company.
Image not available. According to Schwarb Catalogue: Business letter from Abu Nasr b. Ibrahim to Abu Zekharia Judah b. Yosef Hakohen. AA
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Moshe Bibas to Karo y Frances & Company. Dated Heshvan 1807 CE (5568).
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Needs examination.
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Fragment: missing the upper part. Needs examination.
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic to Merkado Karo and Shimʿon Frances (of Karo y Frances & Company). Fragment: missing the lower part.
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic to Yiṣḥaq Bialobos.
Letters in Ladino that from Shem Tov b. Mozeo (Moshe?) and another individual with a distinct signature and hand. The letter on the fourth scan for this shelfmark is dated 1750 CE (Adar 5510). These letters were likely drawn up on separate days by different individuals and were sent together on the same piece of paper (or they were subsequently sewn together given the presence of thread in the fourth scan f. 2v. The first letter mentions a monetary sum in Venetian "ducats / ducados" (f.1 l. 4r) and later on an orphan "גואירפ׳נה" may be referenced (f. 1 l. 10r). The second letter mentions the financial arrangement connected to moneylending known as "polisa / פוליסה" (f. 2 l.8v). MCD.
Recto: Appears to be the draft of the beginning of a late letter in Judaeo-Arabic. (Halfway down the page the writer rewrites the opening line and then stops.) Subsequently it was used for writing practice of Arabic letters and "Sulyamān b. David" which is related to verso. Verso: Calligraphic title page for the book of Proverbs, with "amthāl Sulaymān" in small letters below.
Business letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Likely 11th century (or earlier?). Faded and damaged in a peculiar way (the paper is dark and greenish—was this in a book binding?). The two fragments under this shelfmark join with each other, yielding 10 complete lines. The addressee is asked to meet with Abū l-Ḥasan b. Sasson(?). There may also be someone named ʿAṭiyya b. Kardūn(??). One line appears to read, "Give me a response concerning this silver, and don't make me come." The sender asks for any news about the baby boy 'at this point' (fī hādha l-ḥadd); the continuation is too faded to read. There is an amīr mentioned in the penultimate line.
Probably an 11th-century mercantile letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Faded and difficult to read.
Unidentified document in Judaeo-Arabic. Extremely faded.