31745 records found
Late accounts in Judaeo-Arabic, mentioning Ḥayyim Bialobos among others.
Accounts of a druggist in a medieval hand, with materia medica listed on the right together with their quantities and/or prices, and names of customers listed on the left. "What was sold from the dukkān of Abū l-Munā b. Ḥasan on the date of Tuesday, the 21st of Dhū l-Ḥijjah."
Accounts in a medieval hand.
Accounts, mentioning foods (e.g. khubz) and Rashid.
List of donations (?) collected for the first four months of probably 5583 = 1822/23 CE. all the entries refer to "the little girl of X," X being Yaʿaqov Kohen, Binyamin Qodesh, Yaʿīsh Ḥaddād, David Naʿīm, and others.
Accounts of money collected on different days of the week. There is also writing in Arabic.
Accounts of a druggist in a medieval hand.
Late accounts of some kind. Each line opens with a number, then the name of a person, then a number of months, then another number. The last two numbers multiplied yield the number on the right. E.g. "240 Yaʿaqov Raẓon. . . 2 months for 120." Other names are Mustafa, Portos, Shalom ben Naʿim, Menaḥem Qāzīz, ʿAmram b. Hīnī.
An account in librae and solidi with a sum in librae (quantity obscured) and solidi VI (Alan Stahl). The informal consensus of a group of scholars polled about this document (Alan Stahl, Anne Lester, Laura Morreale, Noam Sienna, Ariana Myers, Suzanne Akbari, Lorenzo Bondioli) is that the document is in Catalan and in a 14th-century notarial hand. ASE.
Late accounts, naming goods in multiple colors.
Late accounts of some kind, perhaps funds collected from different individuals and congregations. The trader Merkado Karo is mentioned, placing the date ca. 1800 CE (one of the lists is also headed "in the year 55[..]"). In the same list on verso, many of the synagogues of Cairo/Fustat are mentioned, including the Portuguese Synagogue (קק פורתוגיזס), the Turkish Synagogue (תורקייה), the Synagogue of the Egyptian Jews (מצריים), the Synagogue of [Yaʿaqov] Abū Shaʿrah (אבו שערה), the Capousi Synagogue (קאפוסי), and the Zamiro Synagogue (קק זמירו), presumably identical with the Radbaz = David ibn Abi Zimra Synagogue. For the location and other information on several of these synagogues, see R. J. H. Gottheil, "A Cairo Synagogue Eleventh Century Document", JQR XIX (1907), 467–539. There are several more mentioned here that are not named in the Gottheil article.
Late accounts, quite faded.
12 pages of late accounts. Needs further examination.
Recto: Ladino accounts of sales involving Ḥayyim Alarcon b. Ḥayyim Yūsufī. Verso: Ladino accounts mentioning "the deceased" several times and 6 June 1788 (1 Sivan 5548).
Probably a list of donations collected from individuals in Alexandria.
Late accounts.
A Hebrew note from a bookseller to a potential buyer, listing several books and giving final prices for them (in qurūsh). The books include "Zutah" (?) in two parts, Bereshit and Shemot, one printed in Amsterdam and the other in Livorno; Hemdat Yamim; Hoq le-Yisra'el; Yemin Moshe on the laws of shehitah (first edition was Mantua 1624, giving an earliest possible date for this fragment); the small Ayn Ya'aqov; Sha'arei Tzion; two chumashim and tehillim. The list concludes, "This is the final offer with nothing beneath it. If you wish, send the money and keep the books. If this is good in your eyes, how good, and if not, send the books and keep the money, because they [the books] belong to the orphans and widows."
From a book containing records of donations collected on the Shabbats of the first years of the 19th century.
Late accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and sloppy handwriting. Mentions a Luria. There is a join somewhere in this folder if memory serves. ASE. Might belong with VII.F.83. The paper is different but the hand is similar.
List of donations collected on the week of Hayei Sarah (recto) and Toldot (verso), November 1803 CE (Heshvan 5564). Legible surnames of donors include Frances and Yuʿbaṣ. Needs further examination.