31745 records found
Ketubba that has been badly damaged yet a portion of the dowry is still visible as "עשר אלף מיידיס כסף..." (10,000+ silver medin). The mention of this coinage along with the paleography help to date the ketubba fragment as 16th-19th-century. Portions of the bridal gifts are still legible as "חריר/silk", "קומאש/cloth", and a "קפטאן/robe". At the lower border of the document one of the witnesses' signatures remains from Nissim Terez[?] ("תרז"). MCD.
Fragment (left side) of a late illuminated ketubba. The year appears to be 1842/3 CE. The groom is named Yaʿaqov. Signatories include Yaʿaqov [...] and Shelomo Eliyaqim.
Late marriage document between Yiṣḥaq [...] b. Aharon and the widow Simḥah bt. Ḥananyah Kohen. The currency used is בינטו עין (?). Yiṣḥaq commits not to marry another woman unless he is married to Simḥah for 10 years and she does not give him a child.
Marriage document dated 13 December 1799 (15 Kislev 5560) from Cairo, for Yiṣḥaq b. Avraham Muḥibb and Palomba bt. Shalom ha-Levi. The me'ukhar is 20,000 muayyadis of silver. The middle signature appears to be that of David b. Naʿim but this is uncertain because it is so stylized. The signature on the left is Yaʿaqov Yuʿbaṣ.
Marriage document dated 12 September 1802 (15 Elul 5562) from "Kafr al-Nāqir" on the Nile. According to Tāj al-ʿArūs, this is a village close to Masjid al-Khiḍr, which in turn is close to Banhā on the Damietta branch of the Nile. The groom and bride are Avraham Wahba b. Moshe and Sutaytah bt. Yūsuf Ḥaddād. The total of the ketubba is 5000 muayyadis of silver. Signed by Yaʿaqov b. ʿAṭṭār, Avraham Wahba, and [...] ha-Levi.
Ketubba dated 1821/2 CE (5582) from Cairo, for Eliyyahu Amaryo b. Yaʿaqov. The total of the ketubba is 750 esedi gurush.
Ketubba. Dated: 15 Ḥeshvan 54[8]9 AM, which is 1728 CE. Badly damaged yet the bride's name is legible in line 4 as Sulṭāna bt. Shelomo[?] Taliano. The dowry (or its total with the marriage payments) likely includes the figure 3,000 ("[ף]שלשה אל"). MCD.
Legal declaration from Fusṭāṭ dated 1252/3 CE (19 Kislev, 1564 Seleucid), possibly to do with a raṭl of indigo, in the name of Nissim b. [...] al-Miṣrī.
Possibly a dowry list for the marriage of Kathīr b. Shelomo and Nāshiya bt. David. There is calligraphic Arabic writing on verso. The document appears medieval.
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic dated 1802 CE (the 17th of matmonim i.e. the omer, 5562) from Yiṣḥaq ben Naʿim to his brother Me'ir ben Naʿim. Verso has been reused for some sort of betrothal/marriage document.
Fragment from a responsum dealing with matters of betrothal. The fragment was written by the same scribe who wrote AIU D 75 which is a fragment from Siddur R. Shelomo ben Natan that was written in the twelfth century. Thus, the document must have been written in the twelfth century or after it. It appears that the question involved a betrothal that was carried out with haste (see line 3) by an inexperienced man. The respondent expresses his displeasure that the betrothal was conducted by someone who was not 'experienced in the matter of marriage and divorce' and requests to know how exactly the marriage was conducted: were the objects of betrothal handed directly to the bride or her representatives, and were those appointed in front of two witnesses? Was the expression 'for the purpose of complete betrothal' uttered when then objects of betrothal were handed over? He asks the person who presented the responsum to warn the public that such cases should not happen again.
Bill of divorce (get) from Fustat, scribed and signed by David b. Shelomo.
Formularies for three legal documents. The document on recto is for appointing an agent to receive a get. Although the names in the document itself are generic (peloni b. peloni), the date of the model document has been preserved—1726 CE (15 Elul 5486)—along with names at the bottom of the original protagonists: the woman is Sol (?) known as Senyoro (?) the daughter of Yehiel Evron; the agent is Elazar b. Michael Momilian; the name of David Paysano (?) is also written. One of the two formularies on verso is for the declaration of "mukat etz" (a woman whose hymen has been broken through means other than sexual intercourse).
Fragment (lower right corner) of a bill of divorce (get). Scribed and signed by Avraham b. Shemaʿya ha-Ḥaver, and also signed by Ḥalfon ha-Levi b. Mevorakh ha-Hazzan.
Recto: Legal declaration from Fustat, 1737 CE (18 Shevat 5497), in which the witnesses testify that Shelomo b. David divorcd his wife Sarah bt. Mordechai. Presumably a draft: lines are crossed out, and there are no signatures. Verso: On the right is a narrative (for legal purposes?) of events having to do with Berakha (?) Cassuto and her husband Mordekhai b. Shabbetay and someone named ʿAbdallāh. On the left is a list headed "These are the names of the pieces of the dowry (nidonya) belonging to R. Saʿd (?) Cassuto."
Two drafts of a bill of divorce (get) from Cairo for Makhlūf b. Yiṣḥaq and Zahrah bt. Yaʿaqov, probably dated Sunday, 17 December 1[8]26 CE (17 Kislev 5[5]87). The other possibility for the date is 5[3]87 CE (1[6]26 CE).
Legal document concerning the financial claims of Yeshu'a Abu al-Khayr against Ovadya. Goitein describes the endeavor as "civil law" (אלחק פי מא בינהם) adjudicated by the court. Dated February 5, 1027, and executed a week later. (Information from Goitein's index card). VMR and EMS (join: SDG). See also Goitein's index card.
Agreement between Shelomo b. Kathīr and Barhūn b. Sahlān, the husband of his daughter Fāʾiza, in which Barhūn undertakes to redeem the silver vessels belonging to his wife and which he had obviously pawned. January 27, 1028 CE. This is the direct continuation of T-S 13J5.1C. (ENA NS 7.25 and T-S 8K20.1 are also somehow connected to at least one of the records on these fragments.) The son-in-law was not able to produce the receipt, as promised on 1/23. (Information from Goitein's index card)
Bill of divorce (get) from Rashid, for Shemuel b. Avraham and Diamante bt. Yosef, dated 1751 CE (16 Elul 5511).
Incomplete legal document from Cairo, dated 6 October 1816 (14 Tishrei 5577), for Raḥamaim b. Nissim who apparently seeks to remarry the woman he had previously divorced. This document lays out the conditions upon him from both the first ketubba and in the remarriage. Needs further examination.