31745 records found
Magical instructions in Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic.
2 bifolia (8 pages), each containing a table corresponding to one of the stones of the Urim ve-Tumim, each one intended to be used for a different sort of Yes/No prognostication (whether so-and-so will be judged fairly... whether so-and-so will be saved from danger... whether so-and-so is righteous or wicked...).
Leaf of magical instructions.
44 pages of a literary treatise, at one point at least citing a work by Isaac Luria (p.6).
Bifolium from a magical/kabbalistic work. Concludes, "Thus far is the answer to what you asked me regarding Sefer ha-Yeẓira."
Bifolium from a magical work with sexual and obstetric prescriptions.
Bifolium from a magical work, including illustrations of Senoy, Sansenoy, and Semangelof.
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Magical amulet.
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30 pages of a literary treatise containing permutations of YWHW, instructions for various tiqqunim, and several pages of text slanting upward. Page 28 gives a list of the sefirot, along with botanical illuminations, more permutations of YHWH, and most remarkably, corresponding to each sefira, the name of a dish to eat given in combinations of Hebrew and Ladino
Leaf of magical instructions.
Recto: Some sort of kabbalistic prayer, in multiple hands. At the bottom are doodles and jottings in Arabic and Hebrew. Verso: A couple lines of legalese, perhaps the beginning of a formulary of a legal document -- חזקה למי שהחזיק בחצר או בחנות. Underneath are sums using Eastern Arabic numerals.
Recto: Fragment from a marriage document, probably a ketubba, for Sitt al-Kull, in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. BL OR 5566A.1 is also a fragment of a ketubba for Sitt al-Kull in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe, but these do not appear to be a join. Perhaps this fragment is her dowry list? Or different marriages, or different women? Verso: Fragmentary phrases from letters copied haphazardly. Notes added by MR from the AIU in person: a narrow strip from the middle or left-hand side of the ketubba, apparently cut before being reused on verso; but the shape suggests that it was reused in a book-binding. However, the glue-marks appear to be from conservation tape. Parchment, ketubba written on the hair side.
Magical instructions.
Magical/kabbalistic recipes for useful purposes such as protection against thieves or blinding and/or killing one's enemies. Labeled page 238. Same scribe as AIU VI.B.78 + AIU VI.B.149 but perhaps a different work.
Leaf from a literary work discussing magic, medicine, demons.
Magical/kabbalistic instructions about the auspicious hours of prayer and useful spells when at sea. Labeled page 231. Same scribe as AIU VI.B.78 + AIU VI.B.149 but perhaps a different work.
Kabbalistic illustration of a schematic face filled in with text. Four circles labeled left ear, left eye, right eye, right ear. Forehead above, peʾot to either side, nose, mouth, etc. Probably post-15th c.
Writing exercises.