31745 records found
Legal document. In Hebrew. Location: Fustat/Cairo. Dated: end of Sivan 5582 AM, which is June 1822 CE. Dissolution of partnership and settling of accounts between Eliyyahu b. Ẓahal and Yaʿaqov ha-Levi עכובס and Mordekhay Kapanton, who were partners in money-lending (sarraflik) and other forms of trade. A certain Khwaja Mikhā'īl is involved. Eliyyahu and Yaʿaqov sign, but not Mordekhay. AIU VII.D.99 and Yevr. II A 1292 are exact replicas of each other. ASE.
Letter from Yishaq b. Avraham al-Mishmar (ha-Kohen?) from Fustat, to his son in Qayrawan (Ifrīqiya). The writer instructs his son to pay his debts and listen to the master of the diaspora – the Nagid” ("אדון הגולים, הנגיד"). (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, #165) VMR
Letter perhaps from the community of Tinnīs (mentions the synagogue of Tinnīs in the first preserved line), to the Nagid (ḥaḍrat sayyidnā al-rayyis), with about 10 signatures. Dated the end of Adar [1]480 = 1169 CE. Lower right only, reused for letter drafts in calligraphic Arabic script. ASE/MR
Recto: a few lines of a Judaeo-Arabic letter, partly having to do with commercial matters (mentioning silver and glass) and the somewhat opaque phrase "if you are intending אכראג ידך, inform me at the beginning of the year." It also quotes verses of consolation and mentions al-ʿazā' in the margin. Verso: a list of materia medica in Judaeo-Arabic. ASE.
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Moshe ben Naʿim, to his father Me'ir ben Naʿim and to Se[nyor] David ben Naʿim. The letter also contains blocks of Arabic text. Needs further examination.
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic (1807 CE) from Karo y Frances & Company to Avraham ha-Levi.
Letter in Ladino in which most of the heading has been damaged but could indicate the year [5]419CE or given that the latter two digits are clear and the ligature of "4" is present (l. 1r). A possible reading of the date is thus 1659CE. Most of the signature is also lost along the bottom tear of the fragment but the remnant of one flourish is present indicating where the author signed. The folding of this fragment also suggests that it was likely sent, and did not remain in the possession of the author as a draft. In the text itself the author mentions their brother "a mi ermano sr. Yeḥezqel / יחזקאל" (l. 13r). The name of the letter carrier is also mentioned "יאודה אטיזו" or "Yauda Atizo/Atezo" (l. 5r). The author also mentions his brother-in-law (l. 11r) and his sister (l. 15r). MCD.
Legal declaration from Fustat/Cairo, dated 1802 CE. Several people are named in the opening lines.
Letter in Ladino to Muʿallim Ḥabīb from Simḥah de Mordukh (?). He requests money to be sent with Mordekhai Shamano. The writer's location may be named in the first line (conceivably Aleppo: it looks like חליב). The writer's uncle is in Safed. The writer's nephew Shemuel ha-Kohen sends his regards. Several people in the household and family of the recipient are named. The fragment also contains some text in Hebrew and Arabic. Damietta and Mansurah (?) are named in the address.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Yosef b. Khalfa (11th century), sent from Fustat. Quite faded but could be read with effort
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic with a few rows of writing exercises (?) in the margin. There are also a few words in Arabic.
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic.
Image not available. According to Schwarb Catalogue: A letter to al-Sheikh al-Jalil Abu al-Majd. AA
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic to David ben Naʿim.
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic.
Rabbinic literature.
Late legal document in Hebrew regarding someone who died and left a widow and orphans, and debts and guardianship.
Halakhic discussions.
Legal document dated 1802 CE (Sivan 5562) involving a partnership between Hayyim ha-Levi, Merkado Karo, Avraham ha-Levi, and Pinhas b. Yom Tov Aripol (? אריפול).
Legal document involving a partnership between a large number of the Jewish merchants active in Egypt ca. 1800 CE: Shelomo Cesana, Ḥayyim Cesana, Avraham Cesana in Alexandria; and Merkado Karo and Avraham ha-Levi and Hayyim Nuṣayri (?) and Shimʿon Frances and Khalifa Pinto and Yaʿaqov Bibas and Meʾir ben Naʿim. This appears to be a draft of JRL SERIES L 18. MCD. ASE.