31745 records found
Magical instructions.
Bifolium of magical recipes for diverse problems, many medical. E.g., against fever: recite Psalm 34 over olive oil and anoint yourself ("effective if God wills").
Folktales of King Solomon and his wisdom and Ashmoday/Asmodeus.
Recto (verso as catalogued): Accounts in Arabic, including the line "[...] that went with the fleet." Verso: Magical instructions in both Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic.
Leaf from a treatise on divination in Judaeo-Arabic. The hand looks pre-1500 (unlike most of the material in the AIU collection).
Bifolium of Judaeo-Arabic poetry. Shows signs of having been bound into a book cover (glue stains, leather).
Leaf of prognostications based on the timing of earthquakes.
Original text: (draft of?) Arabic legal document involving a certain Hārūn b. Sulaymān. Needs further examination. Later text: In Judaeo-Arabic, the archaeological secrets revealed by a certain "nāẓir," not explicitly about treasure hunting (like AIU VI.B.99), but with a distinctly esoteric flavor. Mentions al-Mayādīn, the Umayyad Castles, Cairo and Miṣr, Kahf al-Sūdān, Kahf al-ʿAqaba.
12 pages of a magical treatise, containing spells e.g. for eye pain or for seeing the dead in a dream.
Writing exercises based on the first section of the book of Proverbs in Judaeo-Arabic translation.
Page 1: Medical treatise in Judaeo-Arabic giving two prescriptions for pediatric ophthalmia (ramad), the second of which is prefaced, "The doctors in Fusṭāṭ use this. . . " Pages 2–4: Calligraphic and vocalized verses, mostly or all from Psalms.
Recto: Love spells in Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew. Verso: An Aramaic prayer and geomancy markings.
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Recto: Accounts in Ladino and Hebrew and sums of large numbers, giving the names Ibrahim, Yizhaq, and Yaʿaqov, who seem to be contemporary business associates, but could also be the patriarchs, and all the math on this page could actually be numerology. Then again, the main line of text seems to say: "salió de revaḥ ducados — 76777." Verso: Two pages of a kabbalistic treatise in Hebrew, including a menora made of text.
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Bifolium from a Hebrew philosophical work extremely similar to, but apparently not identical with, the Guide for the Perplexed. Perhaps a commentary? It compares the visions of Isaiah and Ezekiel (as Maimonides does toward the beginning of Part III), says it will impart only chapter headings, discusses metaphor in the Bible, such as the term "kiss" (as Maimonides does as well).
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