69 records found
Legal document issued to the Majlis al-ʻĀlī concerning a female slave, witnessed by a judge Muḥammad Mūsá, dated Rabīʻ al-Awwal 810 H. [1407]. [Described on the paper wrapper as : "Acte de mariage entre Mahmoud ibn abdalla avec madame Galila Fatma la grande fille de son excellence el Gadi Fatima el Togan (gouverneur)" ; [next line] : "A.H. 810"]. Linked to item 37 (?).
Religious text mentioning the name of Saʻīd ibn Ḥasan al-Talimsānī. [Described on the paper wrapper as : "Poeme religieux d'un poëte inconnu" ; on a separate small piece of paper : "Poems of an unknown poet" ; [next line, in red] : "religious"].
Official letter of the Mamlūk period. [Described on the paper wrapper as: "une lettre de l'epoque des mamelucks caucasiens (?)" ; on a separate small piece of paper : "A letter from the mamlouk Circasian period"].
Receipt of payment (iqrār) in monies minted in copper, owed to ʻAlāʾ al-Dīn, dated 24 Ramaḍān 815 H. [1412]. [Described on the paper wrapper as: "reconnaissance du debiteur al Maalim ibn Aly ibn Omar el Kassida de payer sa dette au prince Al el Dine ibn Mar[--]oum el Farsi Shahine ibn Abdalla el Shahani" ; [next line] : "A.H. 510"].
Iqrār (deed of acknowledgment) on verso. Poem on recto.
Iqrār dated 7 Dhū al-Ḥijjah 902 H. (?) [1497]. [Described in the dealer's description as dated 702 H. [1302]].
Petition from the Mamluk period. [Described on the paper wrapper as: "Un esclave mamelouk demandant à son ancienne maitresse de retourner dans sa première maison" ; on a separate small piece of paper : "A mamlouk (slave) asking his ancient mistress to return him to her house. She has sold him to a man whose house is dirty and hot."].
Described in PUDL as a letter from a slave to his master regarding administrative matters.[Described on the paper wrapper as: "lettre d'un esclave à son maître expliquant sa methode d'administration" ; on a separate small piece of paper: "A letter from a slave who is called Gani Bek to his master explaining to him his method of administration"].
Legal document. Iqrār (deed of acknowledgment), written in Cairo, dated 811 H. (?) [1408].
Two official documents, the first (22a) dated Tripoli, 15 Dhū al-Qaʻdah 884 H. [1480], the second (22b) dated 9 (?) Ramaḍān 907 H. [1502].
Petiton from some students at al-Azhar against a landowner. [Described on the paper wrapper as: "Complainte des etudiants d'El Azhar au Waliʹ" ; on a separate small piece of paper: " Some students of al-Azhar writing a complaint to the Wali against a turkish owner who hired them land (?) for cultivation"].
One leaf of a manuscript containing Arabic poetry in jīm. [Described on the paper wrapper as: "Poesie" ; on a separate small piece of paper: "poetry"].
Acknowledgment of debt (iqrār) by three persons to their master Kashqadām ibn ʻAbd Allāh al-Malikī al-ʻAzīzī, dated 11 Rabīʻ al-Awwal 842 H. [1438]. [Described on a separate small piece of paper as: "Important" ; [next line] "An affirmation of a debt of three debitors to their master Khachkadan dated A.H. 842" ; [next line, in red] "He was elected a king of [...] (?)".
Official document mentioning the name of al-Sayyid Naṣīr al-Dīn Muḥammad al-Mawṣūl. [Described on the paper wrapper as : "prières (?) du [...] (?) Arabe min Tabacat at Tazia (secte religieuse de l'epoque mamelouk, in [...] (?) dans l'histoire"].
Legal document (iqrār) concerning receiving payments for crops. [Described on the paper wrapper as : "contrat du prince Saragah Mache (mamelouk) avec les cultivateurs"]. Loss of text on the left side.
Petition to ʻUthmān ibn ʻUmar to Jawhar al-Ṣafawī, asking him for money. [Described on a separate small piece of paper: "Important"; [next line] "A letter from a mamluk (slave) named ʻUthmān ibn ʻUmar asking his master Gohar Al Safawī to send him a sum of money"; [next line] "The word Urgent is written around the inscription in thick characters."].
Document, verso with medical prescription in a different hand.
Document, verso with Coptic text.
Document, verso with a text in a different hand.