T-S 10J32.6

Editor: Ed. and trans. S. D. Goitein and Mordechai Akiva Friedman, India traders of the middle ages : documents from the Cairo Geniza : India book (2008), vol. 3 https://princetongenizalab.github.io/goitein-india-traders/III-34-35.pdf; also ed. and trans. S. D. Goitein and Mordechai Akiva Friedman, India traders of the middle ages : documents from the Cairo Geniza : India book (2008), vol. 3 https://princetongenizalab.github.io/goitein-india-traders/III-3.pdf; also ed. S. D. Goitein, unpublished editions https://princetongenizalab.github.io/goitein-notes/4C.1.11%20India%20Book-%20CH%20III%20%28English%29%20pt%202/T-S%2010J9.24_1%20%28PGPID%204718%29.pdf; also ed. S. D. Goitein, unpublished editions https://princetongenizalab.github.io/goitein-notes/5B.2.1%20India%20Book-%20III_%2051-80/T-S%2010J9.24_2%20%28PGPID%204718%29.pdf.
Library: CUL