T-S 13J21.30

Editor: Ed. Joseph Braslawsky, "Geniza Fragments from the 11th-13th Centuries Concerning Rabbath ʿAmmōn and Māʿōn (?)‎" (in Hebrew), in Eretz Israel‎ (1954), vol. 3; also ed. Miriam Frenkel, The Compassionate and Benevolent: The Leading Elite in the Jewish Community of Alexandria in the Middle Ages‎ (in Hebrew) (2006); also ed. S. D. Goitein, unpublished editions https://princetongenizalab.github.io/goitein-notes/5D.1.1%20Typed%20texts_%20Elijah%20b.%20zech/T-S%2013J21.30%20%28PGPID%205282%29.pdf.
Library: CUL
Type: Letter