Tag: aghion

5 records found
Late accounts, mentioning Yaʿaqov Yuʿbaṣ and an Aghion.
Late accounts, arranged according to parshiyot, mentioning names including: Page 1: Yom Tov (?) Aripol, Nissim Nuṣayrī, Nissim Raṣon, Avraham Hakim (?), Page 2: Eliyyahu Ṣahal, Nissim Najjār, a Pinto, David Bibas, Yiṣḥaq Bibas, Yiṣḥaq Bialobos, Yosef Bialobos, Yosef Kattawi, Moshe Yagi, Moshe Aghion.
Late donation lists, probably. Long and full of surnames known from the rest of the late Geniza corpus.
Letter from Shelomo Mizraḥi or a female family member, in Alexandria, to Ibrāhīm/Brahim Aghion, in Cairo (Miṣr). In Judaeo-Arabic, with the address in slightly broken French ("Monsier Brahim Aghion: si vous plez de le remettre tout de suite"). Dated: 20 Luglio 1885 CE. The letter is signed by Shelomo Mizraḥi, but the narrator of the letter seems to be a woman, as she uses feminine adjectives—perhaps she is Shelomo's sister. The relationship with the addressee is also confusing, because the sender refers to her "wālida" (mother) and "umm" (mother) as if they are different people. It seems that the "wālida," who is named סרינא, is actually the sender's paternal grandmother, and the addressee is her brother, which would explain why he is addressed as ʿamm (paternal uncle). In any case, everyone in the sender's household is sick (ʿayyān, ʿayyānīn). "The son of your sister" is swollen (wārim, manfūkh). "Your sister" is sick (ʿayyāna). The sender's mother (ummī) has swollen legs (rijlayhā wārimīn). The sender has a stomach ailment (ʿayyāna bi-miʿdatī). One man in the household was especially sick. The physician came to visit him twice every day. He remained bedbound for 22 days, but is now doing better. (There may be a rebuke here for the addressee, who failed to write and inquire about his health.) There may also be a couple lines of poetry (the part with long hyphens), but this needs examination. (Information in part from CUDL.) ASE
List of Judeo-Arabic two accounts in a very orderly hand that detail the funds requested from one Yiṣḥaq Ḥefeṣ (l. 2r) and the payments of S[eñor] Gedaliya Rozano in "פצה" silver coinage (l. 7-8r). The dates are listed in each entry's heading as in the opening of the month of Tishrei [55]83 or roughly September 1822CE (the first two digits of 5583 can be inferred by the names mentioned and the handwriting/paper usage). In the lower entry of payments, there is also mention of Moshe Aghion (l. 19r). The verso contains another list that is mostly faded and illegible although there appear to be itemized entries with corresponding eastern Arabic numerals. MCD.