Tag: astronomy

6 records found
Diagrams, text, and calculations of an astrological/astronomical nature, perhaps also magical. Arabic, late.
Table filled with Arabic script. The y-axis is days of the week and the x-axis is times of day. Each square of the grid has the name of a celestial body (sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, etc.) There is further Arabic script below the table and on verso.
Bifolio from an astronomical text in Arabic script mentioning Ptolemy, with marginal jottings (observations?) in both Arabic script and Judaeo-Arabic.
Recto: Letter, fragmentary, in formal Arabic script, including the line, "I am to you like a son and you are to me like a father." Needs further examination. Verso: Judaeo-Arabic astronomical treatise.
Astrological/astronomical jottings in Judaeo-Arabic.
Ephemeris from 983 CE, the earliest known datable ephemeris in the geniza and one of the earliest in Arabic. Currently being published by Johannes Thomann (2022).