Tag: berakhot b. shemuel

3 records found
Letter in the hand of Berakhot b. Shemuel to his father-in-law. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Early 13th century. He complains about neglect. He mentions al-Shaykh al-Rashīd, whom he forgives for neglecting him because he is usually so generous, and Abū Manṣūr, whom he does not forgive because he cannot imagine his excuse. He concludes by asking the addressee to conciliate his daughter (the writer's wife, ṣāḥibat al-bayt), because, as a result of his pain and his illness and the meager support he receives (or "care," as in the wife being remiss in household duties, which is Zinger's suggestion), his "character became constrained" and he became irritated (ḍāqat akhlāqī wa-ḍajirtu), and they had a fight. The addressee should do this in such a way that she doesn't sense that the writer told him. (Information from Mediterranean Society, V, 188, 189.) Same writer as T-S 13J21.35, which is signed Abū l-Barakāt. There are many more letters in his hand. See Zinger's dissertation, p. 261. ASE
Letter of appeal probably from Berakhot b. Shemuel, addressed to Abu l-Ḥasan the father of Abu l-Mufaddal. He says he has been a stranger in this city for the last year and a half, making a small living by copying - some days half a dirham, some days three-quarters - but he has lost this job and is now hungry and cold. Similar to T-S 13J21.35, which is signed Abu l-Barakat and addressed to Abu Nasr. ASE.
List of ten requirements for a sacrifice, written by Berakhot b. Shemuel (Date: end of 12th-begining of 13th century)