Tag: byzantine pirates

4 records found
Letter from Isma’il b. Yusuf b. Abi Uqba from Alexandria, to Yusuf b. Ya’aqub b. Awkal, Fustat. Around 1030. The writer describes an attack by Byzantines in the sea. They damaged merchandises that were on ships from the Maghreb to Alexandria. They killed several people from one of the ships. Ibn Awkal suffered a large lost for his products. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, #216) VMR
Letter from Yahya b. Eli Kohen Fasi, from Qayrawan, to his brother Yosef, in Alexandria. August 9, 1052. The writer defenses himself against his brother’s accusation and describes the difficult situation in the Maghreb, which prevents him from sending goods, especially because of the attacks in the sea (probably by the Byzantines). Also mentions that the goods are getting more expensive. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 3, #404) VMR
Fragment of a letter from Isma’il b. Barhun al-Tahirti probably from Mahdiyya, to Yosef b. Ya’aqov b. Awkal from Fustat. Probably August 3, 1011. The writer expected to receive a confirmation for receiving 150 dinars that he sent to Fustat to b. Awkal, but he did not get it. It seems from the letter that the security situation was not good, especially because of the dangerous of attacks in the sea by Byzantines. The last part of the letter mentions money to the Yeshivas. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, #122) VMR
Letter sent to a woman, reporting that some merchants perished when their ships were attacked by the Byzantines (Rum). The Muslim rescuers sold all retrieved wares in the presence of the merchants who survived. (Information from Goitein's index cards)