Tag: endowment

2 records found
Certificate of the Qodesh in Alexandria, ca. 1253. The leaders of the community of Alexandria grant Elazar b. Shelomo the right to receive bread from the qodesh as well as the sum needed for the capitation tax. The right is granted to him by reason of his poverty, old age, and membership in a family of scholars. (Information from Gil, Documents, pp. 477 #144)
Legal document in Arabic script. Record of a donation. Faraḥ b. Natan b. ʿAllūn donates a newly erected olive oil press with a mill wheel of Ḥawrānī stone. Boundaries include: a street leading to the market of Banū Wāʾil (on the Nile, SW of Qaṣr al-Shamʿ); also mentions the church of St. Sergius (kanīsat Bū Sarja), al-Ḥadīd lane, and "the two rows" (al-Ṣaffayn). (Information from Khan and Goitein’s index card.)