Tag: genealogy

20 records found
Memorial list of the Gaonic family of Evyatar Ha-Kohen, headed 'principals of schools' but including also names of people that were no Geonim, ca.969-1021. (NB: This dating seems erroneous, as the list includes Maṣliaḥ Gaon, who was in office 1127–39.)
Genealogical list with the heading : 'Bayt al-Kohen'.
Genealogical list of Eleazar Ha-Kohen b. Shelomo.
Genealogical list at beginning of letter from Masliah Ha-Kohen Gaon ca. 1120.
Genealogical list of Shemuel b. Hananiah's family.
Genealogical list of Shemuel b. Ḥananya's family.
Genealogical lists (medieval).
Small fragment, perhaps a genealogy or memorial list, including a lineage with an Aluf ha-Ḥaver . . . bar Avraham bar . . . Sahlān bar . . . Avraham bar . . . Sahlān bar Av[raham].
Letter from Masliaḥ Gaʾon. Dating: ca. 1120 CE (unclear on what basis). Containing his genealogy at the beginning.
Genealogy. Dating: 11th century. "A genealogical list of Exilarchs from Zakai ben 'Azariah to David and Adam. Zakai ben 'Azariah is the brother of the better-known Daniel, the Gaon of the Erets Israeli Yeshivah between 1051 and 1062. The list starts with almost four lines of honorifics applied to Zakai, followed by 13 lines of Exilarchs and their biblical antecedents. The last eight lines, filling to the end of the page, is an explanation in Judeo-Arabic in the importance of recording the Davidic decent of the Exilarchs." Information from Penn catalog.
Pages from a prayer book, with the title תפלת אליהו, ‘The Prayer of Elijah’, at the top of f. 1r.
Draft of a genealogy of Qariate exilarchs. Probably mid-11th century. The genealogical list of Yehezkiyahu b. Shlomo, one of the Karaites’ leaders in the 11th century. Mentions Yehezkiyahu Rosh ha-Gola b. David and Shlomo b. Yoshiyahu, Daniel b. Azarya’s grandfather. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, #70) VMR
Genealogical list of al-Azar Ha-Kohen b. Shelomo.
Genealogical list of Fustat families, beginning with the Nānū family. Also mentions Abū l-Maʿālī ʿOvadya b. ʿUlla "the Nagid of the land of Israel and Judah," for whom the Geniza also preserves an investiture of appointment as Jewish communal leader in Damascus, Syria, and al-Salṭ from the son of Saladin, al-Malik al-Afḍal: T-S Ar.38.93 (Khan, Arabic Legal and Adminstrative Documents, doc. 121; see there p. 465 for reference to this document together with ENA 2592.??). In the Arabic document he is called Abū l-Maʿālī ʿAbdallāh b. Abū l-Riḍā b. Faraḥ.
Segment of a list of Levites' genealogy.
The genealogical tree of the family of Avraham Maimonides' mother - a family of pious persons. Probably a different branch of the family.
Genealogical list. In Judaeo-Arabic. Abū ʿAlī died, leaving three children: Mūsā, Abū Saʿd, and Sitt al-Kull. Abū Saʿd died, leaving one son: Yaḥyā. Mūsā is still alive and has three children: Abū ʿAlī, Yosef, and Ṣedaqa. Sitt al-Kull is also still alive and has two daughters: Sitt al-Niʿam and Nasab.
Genealogical list. Details about the family of Salīm al-Ghazūlī the Levi. Perhaps for the purpose of dividing an inheritance. The wife of Salīm's son Yūsuf is the daughter of Ṭāhir the Deaf, the beadle of Dammūh. Information in part from Goitein's note card.
Fragment of genealogical list of Geonim, ca. 1040.
Genealogical list written in childish letters. (Information from Goitein's index cards)