Tag: house arrest

2 records found
Recto: Letter from Natan, a foreigner from Jerba (the island off the coast of Ifrīqiyya), who claims that he has been unjustly placed under house detention by the Muslim authorities. House arrest was imposed for unpaid debts in general, not just for the capitation tax. Unable to acquit himself of the entire obligation he owed he had been paying interest for nine months as well as the fee for house arrest (payment for the guardsman, called tarsīm), the normal procedure in such cases, a form of 'debtor's prison.' He asks assistance from a notable, a Jewish courtier with connections to the Muslim government. (Information from Cohen.) Join by Oded Zinger.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Some unconventional spellings. Sent to Zayn b. Yosef according to the address, but actually addressing a woman, 'my sister.' This is an unusual and interesting letter: the sender seems to be under house arrest and is writing in order to urge his (high-placed?) sister to do her utmost to have him freed. "We are in a condition that cannot [be described].... night and day, and we cry... someone does not die before him of hunger(?)... night and day, and they do not let anyone leave the door... or someone influential (ṣāhib jāh)... O my sister... do your utmost... maybe go to [...] and obtain for us a rescript (tawqīʿ) for our release from 'al-maʾmūn' (usually a name, but maybe here a generic term for house arrest?), and redeem us from captivity... I see them dying... and inform me about the situation... All the children send greetings. Greetings to Dāʾūd and his wife and everyone with them. O my sister, by God, do not neglect us. Be persistent and became renowned (for charity?) through me. Whatever you do, redeem us from captivity. [We are] dead, we haven't seen anything to sell or buy...." ASE