Tag: macaronic

6 records found
Poetry in an unusual mixture of Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic. One side appears to be entirely Hebrew. The poem on the other side alternates between Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic from one hemistich to the next, inverting the order of the languages from verse to verse: ABBAABBAABBA, where A = Hebrew hemistich and B = Judaeo-Arabic hemistich. Every verse, whether ending in Judaeo-Arabic or in Hebrew, rhymes on חו.
Two folios of poetry in an unusual mixture of Hebrew, Judaeo-Arabic, and Arabic. 2.5 of the 4 pages are filled with a Judaeo-Arabic & Arabic poem, which is a lament addressed to a communal leader "Rabbi David." The first and last line read: "O Rabbi David, the Jews are suffering in your absence, our friends are stricken and our enemies are gloating." At the bottom of fol. 1r, more of the story emerges: the speakers repent of having wronged Rabbi David (niḥnā qad asaynā fī ḥaqqak) and mourn that those who have replaced him in leading prayers and giving the sermon are no match for him. It is tempting to connect this poem to the deposition and later reinstatement of David I Maimonides (cf. the English edition of Goitein and Friedman, India Traders, pp.115–16 and BL Or. 5549.4). The two folios under this shelfmark also contain half a page of a Hebrew poem and a full page of a macaronic Hebrew/Arabic poem consisting of verses rhyming on "حو/חו." There are five verses per stanza, and there is no clear pattern dictating which verses are Hebrew and which are Arabic. ASE
On one of the four pages: two lists of materia medica in Arabic, each headed by a basmala, perhaps medical prescriptions. Ingredients include sarcocolla (anzarūt) and white tragacanth (kathīrāʾ abyaḍ). On the other three pages: an unusual mix of Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew poetry. Across from the prescriptions are lines in Judaeo-Arabic. On the other side of the fragment, the right page starts in Judaeo-Arabic and ends in Hebrew. The left page consists of very short lines with the first half in Hebrew and the second half in Judaeo-Arabic. This page is signed David b. Moshe ha-Levi and dated 22 Iyar 1565 Seleucid, which is 1254 CE. ASE
Legal document in Arabic script. Very difficult to read. On recto there is poetry in a mixture of Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic.
Poetry in Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew in the hand of Nāṣir al-Adīb al-ʿIbrī. One of the poems appears to be macaronic (uses both languages).
Poem/piyyut, the last 10 lines alternating between Hebrew and Arabic. (Information from FGP.)