Tag: makhzuma

2 records found
Recto: very damaged text of a makhzuma (ledger of receipts). Verso: makhzūma (ledger of receipts) submitted in Rajab 495 AH (= April-May 1102 CE) by Muḥammad b. ʿAlī, representative of a sugar cane extraction factory and a honey factory, to the office of supervision (dīwān al-ishrāf). The makhzūma is witnessed and signed by ʿAlī b. al-Ḥasan b. ʿAlī. The accounts are for the kharājī years 490 and 491, corresponding respectively to 493/94 AH and 494/95 AH. The makhzūma was so named apparently owing to the fact that it was sealed or strung together with other leaves by 'piercing' (khazama). (Information from CUDL and Khan.)
Makhzūma (official ledger of accounts). In Arabic script. Maybe dated 658 AH, which would be 1259/60 CE if correct. On verso there are two validation notes (ṣaḥḥa dhālika...). On the makhzūma document type, see Rustow, Lost Archive, 512–13n26. Needs further examination.