Tag: mastara

4 records found
A ruling board (masṭara), made from layers of paper stuck together, incorporating what is probably a medical work in Arabic. There is Hebrew, probably originally a colophon, on verso. (Information from CUDL). YU
Note in Judaeo-Arabic listing Talmudic tractates, perhaps those to be studied, and mentioning a string used to take the measurements of the books. The page is lined with a mastara.
Informal note from Shelomo b. Eliyyahu to Waliyy al-Dawla. The addressee is to give the masṭara (ruling board) to the bearer to bring back to Shelomo, so that he can use it to rule the quires and send them to the addressee. He apologizes for the delay and says that he is also willing to buy the quires off the addressee if that is his preference. On verso there are a few lines of accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals.
Masṭara or ruling board, made from stacked, glued paper (cardboard) and string. Paper could be pressed over the raised string, leaving the imprint of straight lines for the scribe to follow. The lines have been numbered 1-11, and the margins and verso have been used for jottings and pen trials. (Information from CUDL). YU