Tag: mercury

3 records found
Business letter. Probably from Aḥmad b. ʿAbd al-Karīm al-Maghribī al-Tūnisī (upper right of recto). In Arabic script, in an experienced hand. Dating: Possibly Mamluk-era. On recto, the sender describes various commercial transactions (l. 15r). Toward the bottom of recto, he mentions the following: 3 aqfāṣ of antimony; lead; 7 chests of mercury and verdigris; 6 chests of soap; 7 chests of labdanum; later on, arsenic; and something "to India." On verso, he mentions [...] b. Muḥammad al-Shāṭir on two occasions (l. 1v, 17v); he gives prices for pepper and ginger; mentions the return from the ḥajj (al-nuzūl baʿd al-ḥajj); and mentions saffron. He says that he and Abū Naṣr visited the Nā'ib of Jedda, who received them graciously (l. 8v). MCD. ASE.
Accounts, mentioning mercury and names such as Abū l-Ḥasan b. Siḡmār. (Information from CUDL)
Business letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Fragment: bottom half only. The sender reminds the addressee to take care of the quicksilver (זאוק/zāwūq) stored in clay vessels. He is worried that the vessels will break, and it is currently valuable in his location and in demand among the Byzantines.