Tag: qaraite marriage

10 records found
Betrothal document, Qaraite. Location: Cairo. Dated: Monday, 14 Kislev 5527 AM, which is 1766/67 CE. Groom: Moshe b. Yosef b. Aharon. Bride: Miryam bt. Yaʿaqov b. Moshe Melammed; not a virgin. Basic marriage payment: 25 silver pieces + a gold ring + 1775 large medins ("large halves"). Early marriage payment: 100 large medins. Delayed marriage payment: 400 large medins. Bride's agent: her father. She attests that she has received the basic and early marriage gifts. He attests that he will not take a second wife for the first 10 years if she bears a child, or for the first 5 years if she does not. Witnesses: Eliyyahu b. Moshe Rofe known as Ẓaʿir; Moshe Fayrūz; Yefet Fayrūz.
Betrothal document, Qaraite. Location: Cairo. Dated: Sunday, 20 Sivan 5448 AM, which is 1688 CE. Groom: Yeshuʿa b. Avraham ha-Ḥakham ha-Rofe b. Aharon ha-Rofe ha-Ḥakham. Bride: Esther bt. Yaʿaqov b. David ha-Ḥazzan, virgin. Basic marriage payment: 50 silver pieces + a gold ring + 1760 large medins ("large halves"). Early marriage payment: 200 large medins. Delayed marriage payment: 1000 large medins. Bride's agent: It seems her father's cousin, Aharon (but this is not completely clear). Among the conditions is that the groom agrees not to move away from Fustat/Cairo for 20 years, "for example to Damascus or Istanbul," except to Jerusalem. He will also have to pay her 15 silver pieces if he ever beats her in the first 20 years of marraige. Witnesses: Barukh Rofe; Yosef Rofe; Shemuel Melammed; Moshe Ḥazzan.
Betrothal document, Qaraite. Location: Cairo. Dated: Monday, 23 Tevet 5414 AM, which is 1653/54 CE. Groom: Yosef ha-Kohen b. Avraham b. Yosef. Bride: Badra bt. Shemuel ha-Levi b. Avraham ha-Levi ha-Melammed, virgin. Basic marriage payment: 50 silver pieces + a gold ring + 1500 regular medins + 60 large medins. Early marriage payment: 200 large medins. Delayed marriage payment: 800 large medins. The rest of the fragment is missing.
Betrothal document, Qaraite. Location: Cairo. Dated: Monday, 9 Shevat 5530 AM, which is 1769/70 CE. Groom: Ḥayyim b. Eliyyahu ha-Rofe b. Elishaʿ ha-Rofe. Bride: Raḥel bt. Aharon ha-Kohen b. Naḥum Kohen, virgin. Basic marriage payment: 50 silver pieces + a gold ring + 4050 large medins. Early marriage payment: 200 large medins. Delayed marriage payment: 1000 large medins. Bride's agent: her father's cousin, Shelomo ha-Kohen b. Elʿazar ha-Kohen b. Aharon ha-Kohen. Among the conditions is that the husband will not prevent the wife from visiting the homes of her family members when they need her. Witnesses: Shelomo Kohen b. Aharon Kohen known as Kanzī Dimashqī; Elishaʿ Ẓaʿir b. Yeshuʿa; Yehuda Naqqāsh; Yeshuʿa Maʿānī; and Eliyyahu b. Moshe Rofe known as Ẓaʿir.
Betrothal contract, Qaraite. Location: Cairo. Dated: Sunday 8 Heshvan 5578 AM, which is 1717 CE. Groom: Yeshuʿa ha-Levi b. Ḥesed b. Seʿadya known as Qayyim. Bride: Raḥel bt. Aharon ha-Kohen b. Moshe, not a virgin.
Betrothal (erusin) contract, Qaraite. Location: Cairo. Dated: Monday, 19 Heshvan 5591 AM, which is 1830 CE. Groom: Avraham b. Yosef b. Shelomo. Bride: Masʿūda bt. Yiṣḥaq b. Shemuel, a virgin. Basic marriage payment: 50 silver pieces + a gold ring + 8240 large medins. The 'hosafa' is listed as 8,240 large medins. Early marriage payment: 200 large medins. Delayed marriage payment: 800 large medins.
Betrothal contract, Qaraite. Draft. Location: Cairo. Dated: Thursday, 5 Tishrei 5398 AM, which is 1637 CE. Groom: Yosef ha-Kohen b. Yiṣḥaq ha-Kohen b. Aharon ha-Kohen. Bride: Not named, a virgin. Basic marriage payment: 50 silver pieces + 650 medins + a gold ring. Early marriage payment: 200 medins. Delayed marriage payment: 800 medins. Conditions: The groom will not move away from Fustat/Cairo for 20 years, e.g., to Damascus or Istanbul or Jerusalem; he will not beat her when they are fighting, and if he does, he has to pay her 15 medins. On verso there is liturgical text.
Ketubbas or copies of ketubbas, Qaraite. There seem to be two different fragmentary documents, preserved on separate pages of a codex or ledger. Some of the names survive, but neither of the documents survives in full. Dating: Unknown; catalogued as 18th century.
Betrothal contract, Qaraite. Dated: Tuesday, 19 Kislev 1857 Seleucid, which is 1545/46 CE. Location: Probably Fustat/Cairo. Venue: House of Eliyyahu b. Fayrūz Rosh Bet Din. Groom: Ibrāhīm b. Yehuda al-Ḥakīm. Bride: The daughter of ʿAbd al-Maqṣūd al-Ḥāshir. Early marriage payment: 15 bunduqī, of which 12 are to be given before the marriage and the remaining 3 prior to Nisan of the second year of marriage. Delayed marriage payment: 400 large medins ("halves"), 50 "for what is secret between them(?)" and 350 in case of divorce. Scribed and signed by Netan'el b. Aharon ha-Somekh.
Marriage document, Qaraite. Dated: Wednesday, 25 Nisan 5488 AM, which is 1728 CE. This does not seem to be a ketubba, but rather an agreement concerning the marriage conditions between the groom David b. Raḥamin b. Yosef known as Ḥakīm and his wife Najma. Currency: silver medin (niṣf fiḍḍa). Signed and scribed: Yeshuʿa Sofer. Many other witnesses are named, but none signed.