Tag: qaraite nasis

8 records found
Letter of congratulations to the Hizqiyahu the Qaraite Nasi and his 3 sons on the birth of a boy from a certain Shemuel.
Circumcision certificate, Qaraite. Location: Cairo. Dating: Of the original date, only Wednesday the first of [...], [..]70 Seleucid is preserved. The certificate is for Abū l-Khayr b. ʿOvadya b. Avraham b. Moshe b. Shelomo b. David b. Eliezer b. ʿUzziyahu b. [David?] b. Ḥisday b. Yeḥizqiyahu b. Shelomo b. David b. Boʿaz b. Yoshiyahu b. Sha'ul b. ʿAnan. ʿUzziyahu may be a brother of Shelomo b. David b. Ḥisday, who died in 600 AH (1203/04 CE) according to Ibn al-Hiti's Arabic Chronicle of Arabic Doctors. In that case, the present document can be dated to roughly seven generations following ~1200 CE.
Circumcision certificate, Qaraite. Location: Cairo. Dated: Adar I 5377 AM, which is 1617 CE. Also dated 1929 Seleucid, which should be 1618 CE. Contains a lengthy genealogy of Qaraite Nasis all the way to Adam ha-Rishon. For the genealogy, see Yevr. II A 1318 (either a cleaner copy of the same document, or just a different document produced for a different circumcision in the same month). There are additional genealogical entries in the upper margin, written in the style of Genesis, and describing migrations between Damascus and Fustat/Cairo. The first entry is confusingly dated Thursday, 23 Sivan 5613 AM, which is 1853 CE. It is not out of the question that the scribe meant to write שלש but forgot the ל. Nor is it out of the question that a latter-day Nasi reused the document. Needs further examination.
Circumcision certificate, Qaraite. Calligraphic, with a decorated margin. Location: Cairo. Dated: Monday, 6 Adar I 5377 AM, which is 1617 CE. Also dated 1929 Seleucid, which should be 1618 CE. Contains a lengthy genealogy of Qaraite Nasis that probably extended all the way to Adam ha-Rishon, but the bottom of the document is torn off. (1) Pedayahu David b. (2) Pedayahu Aharon b. (3) Elieʿezer Ẓemaḥ b. (4) Pedayahu Aharon ha-Zaqen b. (5) Eliyyahu Yakhin b. (6) Sar Shalom b. (7) Yoshiyyahu Moshe b. (8) Amaẓyahu Yosef b. (9) Eliezer Ẓemaḥ b. (10) Shelomo b. (11) David the martyr b. (12) Shelomo b. (13) Yoshiyyahu Moshe b. (14) Boʿaz b. (15) ʿOvadya b. (16) Shelomo b. (17) David b. (18) Ḥisda'el b. (19) Yeḥizqiyahu b. (20) Shelomo b. (21) David the exegete b. (22) Boʿaz b. (23) Yehoshafaṭ b. (24) Yoshiyyahu b. (25) Sha'ul b. (26) ʿAnan b. (27) David b. (28) Bustanay b. (29) Ḥaninay b. (30) Kafnay, etc. etc. etc.
Circumcision certificate, Qaraite. Location: Cairo. Dated: Wednesday, 20 Tevet 1771 Seleucid, which is 1459/60 CE. (1) Shemuel Faraj'el b. (2) Ḥananyahu Avraham b. (3) Shelomo b. (4) ʿOvadyahu b. (5) David b. (6) Shelomo b. (7) Amaẓyahu Yosef b. (8) Shelomo b. (9) David b. (10) Ḥisday b. (11) Yeḥizqiyahu b. (12) Shelomo b. (13) David the exegete b. (14) Boʿaz b. (15) Yehoshafaṭ b. [Yoshiyyahu b. Sha'ul b. ʿAnan etc. etc. etc.]
Circumcision certificate, Qaraite. Location: Damascus. Dated: Tuesday, [..] Adar II 1752 Seleucid, which is 1441 CE. (1) Eliyyahu ʿAbd al-Raḥmān b. (2) Avraham b. (3) [X] b. (4) David b. (5) [X] b. (6) ʿUzziyahu b. (7) Eliezer Ẓemaḥ b. (8) [X] b. (9) Yeḥizqiyyahu b. (10) Shelomo b. (11) David the exegete b. (12) Boʿaz b. (13) [Yehoshafaṭ] b. (14) Yoshiyyahu b. (15) Sha'ul b. (16) ʿAnan etc. etc. etc.
Book. Qaraite. May have some contents of documentary significance, including the genealogy (p. 51) of the well-known Shelomo b. David b. Ḥisday (d. 1203/04 CE), the head of the Qaraite community of Cairo.
List of Qaraite Nasis.