Tag: tiberias

37 records found
Image not available. According to Schwarb Catalogue: Appeal from the prisoners in Tiberias, to R. Yeshuʿa and R. Shelomo. AA
Letter from the wife of Wahb, Tiberias, to her brother Khalfa b. Ibrāhīm al-Ṭabīb b. al-Ṭabarī, Fustat, eleventh century. She dictated the letter to her son Mubārak b. Wahb, who has an excellent hand. She refers to herself in the letter as Sitt Wahb, interestingly spelled סיד והב. She sends condolences to Khalfa on account of the tragic news of Abū l-Ḥasan and Bint Abū ʿAlī (presumably they died). Her brother had inquired about economic conditions in Palestine, and she reports that bread is a raṭl for a dirham and everything is cheaper in Tiberias than in Ramla. She encourages him to join her in Tiberias but exhorts him to bring Sitt al-Dār with him, for she has no one in the world except God and him. His letters are to be addressed to Sitt Wahb in Sūq al-Yahūd. She mentions some textiles. Her sister (or possibly Mubārak's sister) Umm Bundār sends her regards. Information from Gil. ASE.
Marriage contract written in Tiberias Colonia, 1035.
Legal document. Draft of a acknowledgement regarding a sale of a store in Tiberias. Mid-September 1034.
Letter from Shelomo Ha-Kohen b. Yosef, Dalton, to Hillel Ha-Ḥaver b. Yeshua Ha-Hazzan, Tiberias, approximately 1030.
Fragment of a letter on behalf of the lepers of Tiberias.
Fragment of a ketubba (marriage contract) from Tiberias, May 1035.
Fragment of a letter from the lepers of Tiberias, probably to Fustat.
Fragment of a letter from the lepers of Tiberias to Mukhtar and his brother.
Letter in Hebrew dated 1747/48 CE (508 = בשרו), from the Jewish community of Tiberias to the Jewish community of Pisa, begging for financial aid on account of debts owed of 10,000 arayot. Their shaliaḥ is Masʿūd Bonan. ASE.
Letter in Hebrew dated 1759/60 CE (520 = תהֿלה לכֿל), from the Jewish community of Tiberias to the Jewish community of Pisa, begging for financial help. They include interesting details about political struggles and unrest in the Galilee and a month-long siege of Tiberias. ASE.
Letter fragment on behalf of the lepers of Tiberias to Efrayim b. Shemarya in Fustat.
Letter from the lepers of Tiberias. Fragment. Written by Hillel b. Yoshua. (Gil)
Court verdict, probably from Tyre, concerning the inheritance of a woman buried in Tiberias, dated approximately 1015.
Letter from Hillel b. Yeshuʿa ha-Ḥazzan, in Tiberias, to Efrayim b. Shemarya, in Fustat. Dating: End of 1034 CE, per Gil. Soliciting funds on behalf of the community of people with skin diseases. Mentions a previous emissary Khalaf the Aleppan (כלף הצובי) who has since died. L-G Misc. 25 and T-S 10J12.22 are two copies of the same letter.
bill of proxy from the leaders of Tiberias. Needs examination. No image
Letter (draft) from individuals in physical discomfort, appealing for help. The writers may be lepers, as they refer to their flesh being damaged and their bones uncovered. (Information from CUDL)
Letter from Hillel b. Yeshuʿa he-ḥaver the cantor, in Tiberias, to Shela/Sahlān b. Avraham he-ḥaver, in Fusṭāṭ, regarding help for the leper community in Tiberias. Dating to late 1034 CE. (Information from CUDL.) See also Goitein's index card. L-G Misc. 25 and T-S 10J12.22 are two copies of the same letter.
Letter fragment from the lepers of Tiberias to Faraj b. Avraham, probably in Ramla, approximately 1030.
Letter from Hillel Ha-Ḥaver b. Yeshuʿa Ha-Hazzan, Tiberias, probably to Efrayim b. Shemarya, Fustat, approximately 1050.