Tag: treatise

3 records found
Verso: A religious text, probably a translation of 'Keter Malkhut.' Recto: Letter of congratulations from Musalah to Shelomo and his son upon the marriage of the son. (Information from Goitein's index cards)
Recto: Letter in Arabic from Ibrahim b. Muhammad. Between the lines of recto, and verso: Treatise on the ‘people of the land’, with numerous biblical quotations on the wise, the fool, the ʿAm ha-Areṣ, and offerings, as well as quotations from the Talmud. Information from GRU catalog via FGP.
Recto: About seventeen Hebrew verses, likely from a superscription of a letter, in the hand of Natan b. Shemuel. Verso: Treatise ending on the patience of the pious ( צבר אלצאלחין ). (Information from Goitein's index cards) EMS