Tag: unedited judge elijah

4 records found
Image not available. According to Schwarb Catalogue: From Elijah the judge, Damietta. AA
Letter from Abū Faraj to Eliyyahu the Judge. In Judaeo-Arabic. Interesting format: arranged in two columns. Deals mainly with small business matters. The writer mentions Eliyyahu's sons as "Rabbi Zecharia and Rabbi Berakhot." Information in part from Goitein's note card.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Possibly addressed to 'the dear brother al-Kohen Hadar ha-Soḥerim." Dating: Early 13th century. The writer mentions things that were lost during this travel (the ḥalīb/milk? and the 'qāriṣ'?). He advises the addressee to look after the boy and not to beat him (lā tasṭū ʿalayhi bi-ʿunf) and to tell him to look after his sister and mother (at least if "your mother" refers to the boy rather than the addressee). He complains about al-Raḍiyy. Regards to Samḥūn and his siblings and father; to Eliyyahu and his son; to Abū l-Faraj and Bū Mubārak and their wives. The letter ends: "Do not tell anyone our secret."
Letter addressed to Abū Zikrī b. Eliyya ha-Dayyan, in Fustat. In Judaeo-Arabic. The writer addresses Abū Zikrī first (figuratively) as his 'father' and later as his cousin (ibn ʿamm). Most of the content is missing. The writer sends regards to his uncle (Eliyyahu the Judge), Eliyyahu's wife, the ṣughayyira, and Samḥūn (=Simḥa ha-Kohen). Verso: Apart from the address, also contains a list of Jewish names in Arabic script.